poor oreana needs a real pic....
Picture: this pic is from another guild, but it's the closest thing i can get online.

Name: Oreana Siniathdu Reed-Cox
Age: 16
Gender/sex: female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: a little under 200 lbs (think thats round 95kg)
Species: human
Nationality: English
Type of character: i have no idea. i just made her using steampunk i've sen as inspiration
Occupation: store manager of the Cox family store, Black Assam Tea
Hobbies: cleaning or repairing her arm, store keeping, making different tea recipes, reading, and sketching.
Appearance: she has olive skin, white hair with red and black streaks. she has emerald eyes and often wears a large cloak over her dress. She has copper, brass, and bronze artifical glove like left arm. She also wears glasses.
Likes/dislikes: -likes to travel, learn, explore, discover new things and people -dislikes heat and humidity, sand, bright light
History: She was born in a small town east of Cornwall in England where she grew up with her parents, the Reed's untill they died when she was 8 years of age. As she had no other family, a couple of her parents friends. the Cox's, took her to their home and business in London where she learned to work and took over their business at 15 when her foster parents moved to France to be with their family.
Posting color: maroon
Anything else: When Oreana was young, she damaged her wrist, hand, and her lower arm. The damage prevented her from moving anything elbow down on her own, so her parents saved up and bought her a bronze artificial arm before they died. The artificial arm is like a glove, it goes over her left arm, not replaces it so it can be taken on and off to be cleaned, tuned, and adjusted. I'll try and make a pic for it as well.
BSPBleach · Wed Mar 14, 2012 @ 04:56pm · 0 Comments |