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View User's Journal

Dear journal,
hmmm well i haven't wrote in this journal in forever.....................

lets see whats new with me... i just got my schedule in with all my classes and my birthdays coming up ... i dont know ... im working on my own little book with short story's some of them are pretty good its kind of funny though because when i think of a good idea for a story i write it on anything i really find like an napkin a book mark sticky notes... i got henna tooo it only took a year for all who dont know henna it an all natural dye that dyes the skin and stays on for about 3-4 weeks its pretty awesome also i just designed a tattoo for my step-mom its a butterfly with really big wings and the wings are her kids names and then following that i made a little baby butterfly with a halo over its head with wings that have 2 big tear drops on it and little tear drops all around the 2 big tear drops to represent the older sister or brother i would have had if not for her miss carriage crying its so sad to think about my older sister or brother that died before my birth but yeah im just trying to figure out the colors im going to put into the wings when its done shes going to get it done....... this year been just a roller coaster of emotions some stuff happen that really made me cry and feel hatred and pray to god that things will get better and then they did but im happy now so im not gonna dwell on the bad im moving forward with my life and just hoping for the best biggrin because ive got my whole future ahead of me and wonderful people beside me nothing can bring me downn!!!!