~☽The person pulling the strings☾~ EvilButCute_Rp ~☽Call Her/Him☾~ Sanya Eliana Blair ~☽You can also call him/her☾~ Sanny or Eli (Sounds like L-E) ~☽She/He was born A☾~ Female of course ~☽She/He came into this world years ago☾~ Seventeen ~☽She/He came into this world on☾~ January First ~☽She/He is ______ Tall☾~ 5'6 ~☽She/He is A☾~ Genetically modified human grafted with Arctic Fox DNA ~☽She writes with His/Her☾~ Both ~☽Her/His role in this world is☾~ A genetic experiment trying to gain her freedom ~☽She/He sometimes☾~ When she's nervous or scared she shifts her weight back and fourth and plays with the hem of her clothing. ~☽He/She wastes her free time doing ☾~ She likes to read and write she also likes art and music. But most of the time she can be found sketching ~☽His/Her life until now☾~ Sanya wasn't always in the labs, for the first four years of her life she was a happy child with two parents and a large dog that was big enough to ride. (Dog was a Great Pyrenees) That was until her mother died in a car accident, she didn't die right away. It took a week for her to finally pass on, that entire week Sanya's father was with her that entire time. That time watching his wife die slowly drove him mad and on Sanya's fourth birthday he sent her away to the research facility in Colorado.
Sanya used to have a lovely voice but over the years of testing and screaming for her father, screaming for the pain to end as her body was modified she lost it. She lost the ability to speak, her voice was lost to her. She was damaged emotionally. not only because her father let this happen to her but also because she couldn't talk anymore. Couldn't beg for them to stop, couldn't protest. Her hair had always been a very light blond but after the testing it turned white as snow. (Her eyes were already two different colors which is called Hetrochroma.)
However her time in the labs weren't all bad. She met one nice white coated person her taught her how to read and write. He also gave her a tablet so she could communicate when they asked her things. ~☽Ability's and talents☾~ Sanya has the ability to make the temperature in a area drop significantly sometimes able to make things freeze. Ironically she's also able to manipulate sound. The way it sounds and such. In doing so she can disorientate up to three targets and sometimes make their ears and nose bleed if she's able to focus it correctly. ~☽He/She ☾~ She likes music, and drawing, and writing and reading. She likes reading about food and flowers and lots of things about the outside world. ~☽He/She doesn't care for☾~ The guards, the people in the white coats, the cages, anesthetic, seeing other experiments die and waste away. Being along but she feels there's nothing she can do about it. ~☽He/She's terrified of☾~ Like many she's afraid of dying. Like many of the kids like her, she's afraid of the experiments and the cages. Needles! Definitely needles! ~☽His/Her greatest wish☾~ Freedom without being scared of being caught and put back in a cage ~☽Would it be a secret if He/she told you☾~ That the name she chose is actually her real name, her birth name. ~☽You should also know☾~ She's mute but she wasn't always like that She carries around a tablet or notebook to communicate with people. Sanya's mother was from Russia and her father was from London they both met in America after they immigrated fell in love and married. ~☽The song in His/her heart☾~ A chance to Shine ~☽In the mirror He/she see's☾~ 
~☽The person pulling the strings☾~ EvilButCute_Rp ~☽Call Her/Him☾~ Elizabeth ~☽You can also call him/her☾~ Iz or Izzy ~☽She/He was born A☾~ Female ~☽She/He came into this world years ago☾~ Fifteen ~☽She/He came into this world on☾~ August 22nd ~☽She/He is ______ Tall☾~ 5'9 ~☽She/He is A☾~ Genetically Modified human Grafted with the DNA of An avian Little Egret to be exact. ~☽She writes with His/Her☾~ Right hand ~☽Her/His role in this world is☾~ An experiment on the run ~☽She/He sometimes☾~ Izzy has a tendency to sing when she thinks no ones listening. She also plays with her hair if she's nervous or intimidated. ~☽He/She wastes her free time doing ☾~ She sings when she thinks she's alone! She also like's drawing and technology based stuff like computers and such. She likes writing stories. ~☽His/Her life until now☾~ Izzy was the child of two people meeting and having an affair, on top of that when her mother found out she was pregnant she immediately made arrangements to send her away. Being a significant person in the science community she knew about the labs in Colorado and arranged for her to be sent there upon her birth.
So cages and testing is all the Izzy has ever known. She was taught basic things like speech, and how to read and write. What the scientists didn't know was how well she could read after they taught her the basics. She had a photographic memory which allowed her to retain all read information. ~☽Ability's and talents☾~ Izzy considers her main ability a curse. She can feel the physical and emotional pain. It isn't constant but it's not easily controlled either. Being grafted with Avian DNA means she can fly but that's more of a passive ability then anything right? She can remember anything she reads! Read information is imprinted on her mind. Even the scientists don't know about this ability! ~☽He/She enjoys☾~ Sweet foods. Freedom, time out of the cage, time not being tested on, she wants to fly, flowers, singing and dancing. She also enjoys playing the violin which the white coats only allow her to do occasionally. ~☽He/She doesn't care for☾~ Needles, cages, cramped places. ~☽He/She's terrified of☾~ Dying and being caged up the rest of her life. Or dying in a cage without ever being able to fly. ~☽His/Her greatest wish☾~ To fly as high as she can without having to worry about cages and dying and all that depressing stuff. ~☽Would it be a secret if He/she told you☾~ She can't do math ~☽You should also know☾~ Her father was from England and her mother was from New-york. Her father met her mother when he was in New york on business. ~☽The song in His/her heart☾~ Perfectionist Complex ~☽In the mirror He/she see's☾~
TsunKitty · Sat Dec 28, 2013 @ 10:41am · 0 Comments |