Tesla! They're awesome!!
I just acquired a CD copy of Simplicity. I listened to it really loud on my Grandparents' CD player. The album is incredible!! Just another reason why the band is the best.
Tesla - Break of Dawn Tesla - 2 Late 4 Love Tesla - The First Time Tesla - Changes Tesla - Better Off Without You Tesla - Caught in a Dream Tesla - Change in the Weather
Brain Wheat with Steve Clark (Def Leppard). Steve died in 1991 and Tesla dedicated their song, "Song and Emotion" to him. It's such a beautiful song. heart
 "Come to me...when you need someone and you're looking for some company" (from their album Into the Now [2004])
 The incredibly adorable Dave Rude with a fan. How I wish I could be in that girl's spot. I wanna have my arm around Dave!
 Hanging out by some door. I wonder where it leads...
 These are the coolest guys ever. Period. And the nicest.
 Jeff is laughing. No surprise there. xd Seriously, I want to find out what Ross Halfin was saying to them to get Jeff to laugh constantly. Even Brian's laughing here.
 See? More laughing. They're all laughing here! Except for Mr. Professional over there (Frank Hannon). He's smiling. He wants to laugh. You can see it. Dave's trying to hide it but he can't.
 Brian Wheat (an extremely underrated bass player) and Jeff Keith (the man with the most amazing voice I've ever heard).
 Dammit Jeff, why do you have to be so damn cute?
 This is a bit of an older photo. Definitely.
 I love this. Frank has that awesome double-necked guitar. I really like how he still plays a double-necked guitar all the time in concert. Those things sound really cool, especially the 12-string neck. Probably my favorite use of the instrument was is Tesla's "Lazy Days, Crazy Nights" at the beginning. Killer! He was using that guitar, too!
 Photos for Metal Magazines are always so cool.
 They're so crazy. You gotta love 'em! Dave Rude has the best facial expressions. blaugh
 This is cool. Joe Elliot, Jimmy Page, and Brian Wheat in the same photo. Such awesomeness! There are two photos here, so it's double the awesomeness.

 They're just like, "Come...become a fan of the best band ever. We're super nice and make friggin' awesome music!" Frank is compelling you to listen to some Tesla today.
 Aw, Brian and Jeff again. I love them. heart heart heart
 Brian, Jeff, and some guy...and a random shoe behind them.
SamWeiki · Sat Aug 02, 2014 @ 08:17pm · 0 Comments |