XiaDoh-Ichii's personal record , of how he is going to take over the world ,Gaia ,and miscellaneous private thoughts....
Honey Auburn hair Bangs HELP
XiaDoh CaLima-Ahzei
Looking for Bangs in the color bangs in this item : https://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/10065089 I looked in the tags but it does not say what shade of brown that is . ( if it is brown ) ( BTW i have night vision mode on , so idk if that makes a difference ? )
as mentioned the bangs may not quite be a standard color but Honey is close and if you like it I suggest browsing here:◘ ◘ ◘ Brown Hair List ◘ ◘ ◘: Honey/Russet Extensions section, generally darker ones are Honey and lighter ones are Russet but in older items the color is sometimes in-between.
Thank you !
XiaDoh CaLima-Ahzei
Looking for Bangs in the color bangs in this item :
I looked in the tags but it does not say what shade of brown that is . ( if it is brown )
( BTW i have night vision mode on , so idk if that makes a difference ? )
Predates the color name system, I believe. Closest shade of brown I can find is Honey Brown, so here are some bangs in that color: should also be able to search "honey bangs" or "honey brown bangs" for more bang options, and if you feel the color isn't close enough I'd suggest going through the ✨Visual Color Scheme Guide!✨ to see if there's a better match