Felt like another journal entry... |
Earlier I'd been coming up with a bunch of random stuff to mention, but now I can't think of any of it. >.o; Oh well. It'll come, I guess.
I miss DC like crazy. :/ It's weird how much I think about it now. I've been talking with some of my friends back there, and they keep talking about how much they miss me[all BS <3] and how much has been happening since I've been gone. For instance, Christi and Sam broke up. Which is more of a big deal than it sounds. Christi's going crazy, and Sam... I don't know about Sam. I'm planning on calling him. But I don't think he'll answer. >.o; I'm too much in their business as it is. I feel like their manager... T.T Garret's leaving soon. It really sucks. We were just starting to get on friendly terms. Like, friendly terms as in he wouldn't look at me funny if I was like, "HI GARRET!" [Which I do a lot. I'm always like, "HEY! SO-AND-SO! HIIIIIII!" and wave really enthusiastically. But that's when I'm hyper. >>] ... Actually, now that I think about it, he probably would. But whatever.
Let's seeeee... there's gotta be more to say... Oh! Zak didn't change his cell phone number! Which means I'm going to attack him soon. I was thinking about it earlier, though, and he might have just left it alone and just doesn't use it anymore... which would really suck. I was really bored one night and was just calling people randomly, and I came across his number in my mom's cell and I figured I'd call it and see if he'd turned it off. Which, I was shocked when it started ringing, I got really excited, and then I got his voice mail. -_- I called one more time, but he still didn't answer. I really hope he still uses it. Sure, he left without saying goodbye, and no matter how much of a d**k he's been in the past, he's one of my best friends ever; has been since I was in 5th grade. :nod: Whoadude. I didn't mention that, I don't think. When I was still in DC, I found out Zak was supposed to be leaving before me, but he had said he'd be leaving toward the end of whatever month it was. It was like, the 14th or something of that month, near the middle, and I decided to call him to see if he'd help me convince Brittnae's mom to let her come outside[she was grounded], but when I asked, he was like, "... Erm... Kelsey... I'm already gone." I refrained from yelling, crying, etc while he explained that he couldn't say goodbye because his mom wouldn't let him out of the house or use the phone because he was grounded. At that point I was already crying, though, but he didn't notice. He even had the nerve to cut our conversation short[which, we didn't talk about anything, he was just able to say that] because he was still grounded and wasn't supposed to be on the phone. But, we've all got reason to believe he was lying... If he was grounded, he wouldn't even /have/ his phone. And, I know Zak. If he actually cared, and he really was grounded, he would have found some way to talk to me and Brittnae. But he doesn't care. So, now I'm angry again, ><, so I'll probably wait a long while before calling him now... Thanks a lot, guys. ><;;
Wow. I made my entry longer with that rant. <3 Cool. Well, I'm getting poked by mum, ><, I've got homework- ciao!
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Thu Sep 28, 2006 @ 02:55am · 3 Comments |