WHOOT ! I GOT TICKETS FOR 4 TO GO SEE AFIIN ROCHESTER. OMG, MY LIFE LONG DREAM OF SEEING JADE PUGET!!!!!!! I'm going to take over 40 pictues of jade and posible some of the others but mainly jade. HAHA heart Love ya lissa and collie ! heart I wish you can come bonnie andeveryone else. *hoards everyone into my pocket* mrgreen ninja ninja Jade IS MY UBER NINJA ninja ninja ah OK,enough of the rambling but my mind is still on jade. I ran into a mail box today again and this time the person was out. Never check whats behind you andthenturn. Ha,Mail boxs hurt. and don't be friends with andrew. TodayIwent down to one of my frineds house and he comes down and almost runs me over. I then procedded to throw a rockl but damn my aiming.I missed by like 3 cm. then he filcs me of. Also prep ralleys suck.?I got my ears wailed on my trash can lids and shaker bottles. rofl I now can't talk barely because I screamed for tara to win. rofl stressed The senors suck. It was sophmore girls against senior girls. Senior girls won. stressed domokun ok well summer_shudder_rain signing off for now domokun P.S~ don't let the domos eat you on the way out domokun domokun domokun
 heart ain't he cute !!!!! heart
nightmare_dreams_blood · Sat Sep 30, 2006 @ 02:20am · 0 Comments |