I know that I was the last to move in this house And also I know that I shouldnt fell hatred towards my own blood
I know better than to stand by and watch or stand and take in what hurts me
So I declared a War against my own cousin
The winner gets to stay Loser leaves for good
I decided that if I get rid of him everything will get better
I know this because he is nothing but a jerk towards my mother and me
I have seen my own siblings be disrespectful towards her
And he caused my gram gram to leave the house by touching me and my sister in the wrong way
He leaves the food my mom makes him with so much effort into
I have watched for almost a year since i moved in and i have had it
He will leave or I will scream
Xara Mya · Tue Nov 07, 2006 @ 12:46am · 4 Comments |