Name: Tokuyama, Yuki
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Race: Half-lunar angel, half-shadow angel
Height: 4'11"
Sexuality: Straight
Power(s): Moonlight, ability to see into ones dreams,nightmares and past, ability to summon creatures with her flute, telepathy, water/ice,
Weapon(s): A plain silver flute with her last name engraved on the back
Personality: Yuki is very friendly and caring. A lot of the times she doesn't know better and will even help those who are cruel to her. She can be a bit naive sometimes which is sometimes bad since she's oftened gotten in trouble because of her naivety. Because of her caring nature she hates to see people hurt in anyway. She becomes quite stubborn when there's danger and someone tells her to leave for her own safety. Because of what she went through, and still goes through Yuki tends to get depressed a lot. It's mainly due to her past that she keeps thinking about
Bio: Yuki has suffered enough in her past and for some reason or another she feels that it probably wasn't enough. She finds it that it's her fault her family is dead and tortures herself because of that. Yuki had a twin brother, but his life was taken when she 'accidently' killed him. Yuki was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a rather early age. She blames someone named charlie, whom she believes is an evil spirit controlling her body at times. Her parents died when she was five. She was told the lock the front door one night and it completely slipped her mind. That night someone broke into the house. All she heard were gunshots from the room next door and she hid in the closet of her room. After an hour in hiding she made her way out and ran into her parents bedroom seeing blood on the walls. After the funeral of her parents she was sent to live with her aunt. Her aunt was dealing with forces she shouldn't have been dealing with in the first place. She ended up breaking any agreement with a highly known, powerful sorceror. He threatened to kill her but Yuki's aunt managed to save herself by sacrificing Yuki. The sorceror took Yuki away where she faced sheer torment until she was twelve. Throughout those years with the man she was abused in so many ways. She managed to escape his grasp when he let his guard down. He forgot to not only chain her up like usual, but he also forgot to lock her cell door. He had to go to a meeting to plan the conspiracy against his boss. That was how she managed to escape him. A month later she was found by a woman who worked with child services. She put Yuki in one foster home right after the other. She wasn't doing to well in the homes because she went through her share of torment in those as well. The woman saw how Yuki was doing through psychiatric evaluations. Yuki spent a couple years at a psychiatric institute which wasn't helping. They were only making things worse. It wasn't only her peers there, but the falculty as well. By sixteen Yuki was already completely mentally unstable. She has to take more than one medication which happens to be stronger than any other medication as if someone had the same illness as her.

Name: Shinichiro, Yuki
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Race: Vampire
Height: 4'11"
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Telepathy, water/ice, telekinisis, vampire charm, contols chains and blades, and she has a mysterious power that is not known to others. When angered or highly upset her right eyes begins to glow red and that is what unleashes her power. When her eyes is glowing red and her humanity as fleed from her sould she starts killing with her mind rather than with her fangs.
Weapons: Fangs, blades, chains
Personality: Quiet mostly, friendly, can be a bit naive at times
Bio: Yuki wasn't always a vampire. She was human at one point. Yuki was abandonded at the age of three. Her mother died right after she was born so her father took care of her up to then. He was an honorable police officer who died in the line of duty. She then was sent to live with her aunt. Her aunt was the sister of her father and was dealing with forces she shouldn't of. She made a deal with a powerful sorceror which she broke. Her aunt sacrificed Yuki in order to live. The sorceror took Yuki away. She could never forget what he did to her at the age of three. Placing his hand over her right eye, his power released into her and was quite painful for her. That is how she recieved the power to kill with no weapons. As the years went by she was his slave until ten. He was dealing with a war between an orginization he commanded and his rival. While he was at a meeting she managed to escape the clutches of her cruel master who abused her in so many ways. The day after she escaped him she was found in the snow with nothing but a long t-shirt on and a collar with a chain attached to it. She was freezing as she huddled herself at the base of a tree. She looked up to see a woman hover over her. Yuki could see her fangs gleaming in the moonlight and was too scared to run. That's when she was bitten deep enough to satisfy the vampire's hunger, but not deep enough to kill her. The vampire's DNA mixed in with Yuki's making her part vampire too. She is able to walk in the sunlight and it is only at night her appearence changes a bit. She wears a black eyepatch over her right eye so no one is able to see her red eye, but they would be able to see when her left eye turns red at night from her apearence chaging. She never grew close to anyone for the two years she spent in a mental institute when she was thirteen. In fact, they made her mental condition even worse. It was the first time she unleashed her true power and killed so many without hesitation or remoarse. After that incident she became even more mentally unstable and was sent to another institute that could actually control how she acted. It was a institute made for all races so that she would be able to control herself. There was only one person she trusted there and by the time she was fifteen the woman felt that Yuki was ready to face the world. She spent a year with a powerful witch and learned some abilities of use to her. During that year she found her aunt who abandoned her to save her own life. Her old habits kicked in again but this time it was only her aunt she killed. The woman Yuki trusted didn't know about this and thought she was doing well

Name: Reiko, Koji
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Race: Wolf-demon
Height: 5'7"
Sexuality: Straight
Power(s): Controls the elements of fire, darkness, has the ability to transform into a wolf, and telepathy
Weapon(s): None
Personality: Koji can be a bit of a flirt, but can snap out of that quickly due to his little disorders. Koji can act mean and heartless, but he's an all around good guy when given the chance. Once you get to know him he'll show his more caring side.
Bio: Koji is the type of person who tends to keep his thoughts and feelings locked inside. There's no doubt that he's a good friend to have, but piss him off and he also a dangerous enemy to make. Koji hates to see a girl cry and will try to preven that. It's also the reason how he grew to be such a huge flirt. If he really likes a girl then he'll show her more affection. The reason why he hates seeing girls cry is bacause of his mother and sister. Koji and his older sister were close. She was three years older than him, and she taught him all he needed to know about how to treat people and things like that. His mother could never teach him that. She was not only a workoholic, but an alcoholic as well. When he was younger his sister would come home with bruises and a smile on her face. He started to grow worried about her when he would hear crying from her room. She would constantly play her music loudly to hide her whimpers from being heard by him. A little while after that he started to notice scars on her wrist. She said it was nothing, that it was from the gate. She's tried to kill herself more than once by ODing over the counter drugs, cutting deeper, drowning, and hanging. Everytime Koji was there to save her at the last minute. A month later he followed his sister to the roof of the building they lived in. That was when he witnessed his sister's final suicide attempt. She had smiled at him with a tear rolling down her cheek before she let go of the railing and fell to her death. He didn't know why, but his feet wouldn't move to go stop her. He oftened blames himself for her death and it depresses him to think of that. An hour after witnessing his sister's death he found himself in his room with a knife in his hand. He took the knife and gave himself a scar on his forearm. He noticed that it was the only scar on his sister's arm that didn't heal. He found that he would always be bounded to her that way. During the funeral he comforted his mother. It didn't matter how much she wasn't at home or how drunk she'd get. She loved her kids. He realized that when she couldn't stop crying over his sister's death. His mother died two years later of a liver disease. Koji was left alone in the world at the age of twelve. He started seeing things and came to have bipolar depression. He'd be happy and flirty one minute and the next he was either angry or depressed. He was a troublemaker in school that he managed to get expelled. At sixteen he got a tattoo with his sister's name within a red rose on the back of his right shoulder. He spent one year in a foster home and couldn't take that anymore. He high-tailed it out of there and started living on his own. After what happened to his sister he basically defends those being bullied and flirts with the cute ones.

Name: Vanderkoff, Cheskalitz
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Race: Ivorian demon
Height: 5'2"
Sexuality: Straight
Power(s): Ability to bring plants alive with her flute
Weapon(s): A beautifully crafted silver flute engraved with rose vines and two roses. Her flute can also transform into a sword. Wears a red rose in her hair that doubles as a weapon.
Personality: Cheskalitz can be very shy at times but is very kind and friendly. She often depresses though considering what happened to her family and what she was put through as a child. Though she is very caring she can easily be taken advantage of due to her naivety. Due to an accident years ago she has a twisted side to her that she tries deprately not to release
Bio: Cheskalitz lived her life completely alone and hated. She is only able to speak her own language which is an inconvience to others. She can understand Italian, Russian, German, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, English, and Latin. Because her Ivorian tongue holds her strong accent so she isn't able to speak any of the languages she knows, though she can certainly understand them, read them, and write in the languages. Cheskalitz was born in a far away land where she lived only amongst other Ivory demons. She often misses her beautiful home. So full of plants and flowers with extremely clean air. One day when Cheskalitz was one three her home was invaded and attacked by powerful 'Phoxclains' as she says in her language. They are flying beings of fire which destroyed her land and the people that inhabitated it. Cheskalitz, along with her mother and father escaped to the living realm. They were the last of their kind after their people were attcked by the Phoxclains. Cheskalitz was the only one of her family member who didn't seem to mind that they were the last of their kind. Her father grew highly upset with her and her mother was trying to convince him that she was entirely too young to understand. He didn't care. He had way too much of his Ivorian pride and slapped her mother across the face everytime she tried to defend little Cheskalitz. Since then Cheskalitz went through abuse from her father until she was nine. During those years her mother taught her a song to keep up her spirits whenever she played it. Her mother died when she was eight when her father wouldn't stop hitting her. When she turned nine she couldn't stand the abuse of her father anymore. One day when they were at dinner she slipped a bit of arsenic in his food. She grew a bit agravated when he wouldn't die on contact. She then remembered that arsenic took a while to take affect. Once he stopped breathing she grew happy. Unfortunately though she was found out about the government about what she was since she spoke no English at all. For three yeas she was experimented on. They tried inputting the English language into her vocal chords, but something went wrong. Yes, they did manage to get english into her system, but they also pulled up her true Ivorian nature. In ancient times Ivorians were highly skilled warriors who were mortal enemies of the Phoxclains. Her other side would hit on both races, especially in battle. That's a reason why she tries to hold her back. Cheskalitz killed everyone in the lab that day. She spent her life on the run. She taught herself many languages over the years but couldn't speak them. At age thirteen she was found by a woman who worked with child services and placed her in homes. No one wanted her bacause they couldn't understand what she was saying. Cheskalitz spent her life utterly alone. She didn't care about having friends or family anymore if she was to be hated for what she was. The thing she never felt as a child she felt growing up. She now feels the pain of being the only Ivorian left in any world.