A couple of days later, my dad and I were at this apartment. It was around 1 in the morning. He loaded the pictures onto his laptop and I studied them-CAREFULLY! It was surprising-but I actually got some odd things in a couple of the pictures! In one of them which was taken in the room with the spinning jenny, I looked at the window. I noticed something very odd about it. So I zoomed in on it and saw a face looking at the camera in the window! Also in the same room, a couple of pictures had some extoplasm in it or what looked like a ghostly arm on the bed. Now! I studied the pictures of me and Spinda in the mirror closely. I noticed that at the top left corner in the picture, I found a half of a ghostly body floating above looking into the mirror! It appered to be from the chest up of a man in a coloinal outfit. In the next picture of the same place, it appeared to be that the body was floating away. Then in the next, it dissapearded!
Kadeinko Community Member |