I agree, I wouldn't want to live like that, but isn't pulling the feeding tube out like starving them to death ? I would like something that's quick and painless if I were in that situation.
Borealis Community Member
Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 02:39pm
The fact that people don't want to just let that poor woman die sickens me.
Taeryyn Community Member
Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 03:26pm
If her brain isn't functioning, chances are she can't feel anything, and isn't even aware of anything around her. Her body is living, but she probably isn't. I think it's best to let her die. I certainly would rather die, than spend the rest of my "life" having a machine live for me.
Chocobo Zell Community Member
Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 10:30pm
I personally would rather be alive than dead in any situation. Y'all better visit me in the hospital though. Even if I'm in vegge-brained state.
The thing with Terri is that she has a chance of making a recovery. Another thing is she isn't completely numb to whats going on around her. You can see her smiling and her face brightens up everytime she sees her parents. If the husband can't take care of her, fine, then give custody to her parents if they want to take care of her instead. If it was truely necessary to let her die, starving her to death is just plain wrong. They could at least give her something to let her die peacefully rather than put her on pain killers and let her die from starvation.
xdamagedxrosesx Community Member
Sat Mar 26, 2005 @ 03:34am
this is a tough one, I mean,apparently,She isn't brain dead accroding to her FAMILY but her HUSBAND disagrees.
I think,After 15 years if she hasn't made a recovery,then maybe it is time to let go...
But also,all she needs is a feeding tube and water,it's not like she's on life support..costing alot every year... The worst part is that they are starving her,I mean CRIMINALS get a lethal injection,much much more than they deserve,while this innocent is dieing in one of the most in-humane ways possible...