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The Lunatic Fringe
Revenge of the Capitalizt
As of this post, I am 819,000g richer. exclaim

But I will miss my headband. emo I'll get another one someday, maybe~

Return of the Capitalizt
So, I'm broke. In the year and a half I've been out of Gaia, exclusive item prices shot through the proverbial sky. A lot of cool stuff was also added (I find the cinema to be extra nifty).

So, I decided to put my ZONY Discman up for sale in the hopes that it soon rakes in 110,000g for me. Then I can get my pimp suit and a swanky scythe while I'm at it.

My steel-plated ninja band is way too valuable though. It's going for upwards of 800,000g. O_O I'm sure glad I bought it back in 2004 for 7k even though I was all, "eh" about it.

I don't like the 2% commission fee. Seriously, WHAT THE ********. I already have enough taxes in RL.