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Muggle News. =o Here life for a muggles point of view!

David FTW
Community Member
My gawd am I a moron. D:
Okay, as none of you know from reading my journal, because I've never told you, I still like Herman. Today, he told me that he still had a crush on me, and do you know what I did? I doubted him! What's even more stupid is that I wouldn't tell him that I still liked him. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had believe it or not.

Damn being shy/stupid. Damn it to hell. D: Oi, Herman, I do like you. Like, lots!

Now, be my bishes and fill this thing out. I found it on Xanga and I'm bored. Coruse, I had to grammarize/Harry Potterize it. xD

W0ULD Y0U...
1. Go out with me?
2. Give me your number?
3. Kiss me?
4. Let me kiss you?
5. Watch Harry Potter with me over and over again?
6. Take me out to dinner?
7. Drive me somewhere?
8. Take a shower with Snape for me?
9. Be my boyfirend/girlfriend?
10. Have a fling with me?
11. Buy me a Big Red?
12. Take me home from work if I called you?
13. Let me sleep in your bed?
14. Sing car karaoke with me?
15. Read HBP to me out loud?
16. Give me a piggyback ride?
17. Come pick me up at 3 a.m in the morning, because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?

D0 Y0U...
18. Think I'm cute?
19. Want to kiss me?
20. Want to cuddle up with me?
21. Want to hook-up with me?

22. Aquintences?
23. Friends?
24. In a relationship?
25. Gonna have kids and name them after Neville and Bellatrix?

AM I...
26. Smart?
27. Cute?
28. Funny?
29. Robo?

30. Thought about me while you read Harry Potter?
31. Thought there might be an "us"?
32. Thought about hooking up with me?
33. Found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
34. Wished I was there?

ARE Y0U...

35. Done with this survey? done with this survery?
36. Glad we're friends?
37. Happy you know me?
38. Mad at me?
39. Thinking about me?

Yea... ;;>.> Being bored sucks, right?

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Have you ever had a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain and it.
7. Describe me in 1 word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When was the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you?

David FTW
Community Member

David FTW
Community Member
Huge Personality flaw.

Rather crappy day.
Yesterday was awful. I didn't have to go to work which was great, but I had to go home which sucks.

If you know me, you'll know who Jack is. He's the a*****e that my mother happens to be dating, if you didn't know that already. Snice he's living with us and has a very short fuse I hate going home now. All he does is yell at everyone and scream insults at us. He's making my brother, Timmy, dig this really huge hole just because someone was picking on him in school. He's an a**. Hell, he thought that I was lying when I told him that Timmy was digging on day, which he was. He didn't believe me because "The shovel was in the same place." I don't know about that. All I know what that he was digging. Anyways, other then that.

I won't be able to get on much anymore. Just at school, during my 7th period. That's because Jack went all crazy and pulled the internet out of my computer. Hes reason was that our room is a mess, that we never clean it, or that we didn't clean it when he told us to. Which is a lie. My sister cleaned it on like sturaday or sunday I think it was. He was just too much of an a** to remember.
"I don't give a ******** s**t if you clean your room anymore. If you want internet buy it your damn self, ******** cow." It doesn't help that I had a screaming match with him barely two weeks ago. He promised me that he would be nicer if I cleaned my room. Which, for the first week I did. Then he turned into a complete a*****e and I thought that if he wasn't going to keep his part of the deal, I'm not either. After he took away the internet I just started to cry. Not just little tears, I mean they were streaking down my face. It was just the lose of the internet it's just been stressfull and I hate when people yell at me. I wanted to talk to someone, but I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. I have no friends that would want to hear my pathic life, and my mother doesn't seem to give a s**t. No one even reads this, I'm just putting it here because I need to write it out before I start crying at work today again. I hate when people ask me what's wrong. It's not like they are going to listen or give a crap when I tell them. Last time I had to tell them I just got something in my eye. I don't think that's going to work this time.

Well, that's all my ranting.

David FTW
Community Member

David FTW
Community Member
Sex Ed. In English.
Woah, this week has been unlike any week this year. That's cus' I had work two days this week. =D My first week of working. D: I hate it. Well, it's okay. I made had to forego a few meals like dinner, ;_;, but it's really okay. I have no problems. I don't think I'm too good at it.

Anyways. I think that the weridest part of my week was when Susy, she's a girl in my 8th period English class, was giving me a Sex Ed. talk. She gave me the talk because there was an arugement in class over when a guy pulls out before he cums you can still get pregant because te pre-c**. Yea, it was werid. She keep using words like "cuu", "p***y", and "cookie". Gawd, those words piss me off! But, she did a pretty good job other then that. She knew everything about it. Which I think is due to the fact that she already has a child, and she wants to have another one but her boyfriend is making her wait till he's 18. She didn't really do it like the teachers did. She told you want brand of condoms are better, she said that lifestlyes the best.

I saw Tiffanie after I got off of work the other day. XD I also saw her mom. She's in girlscouts. xD I'm still laughing at that. Cus' she doesn't seem the type to do anything like that. She seem more the type to spit on the ones that are in girlscouts.

._. Gawd, I think I'm in the middle of something that's really going to get me in trouble. My "friend" Cindy thinks that she's pregant with some guys named Ricky's baby (they dated for 2 weeks and had sex). Ricky doesn't thinkt that he's the father and Cindy knows he is or something like that. Half my friend think that she's just bullshitting and the other half feel really sorry for her. She keeps dragging me to her side. I'm never on anyones side cus' I know I'll get b***h at for being on the wrong side or whatever. You can never make these people happy. gonk

Rita's coming. Yay, more people coming to San Anotiono. D: Effin' damnit. If you heard some of the stories this people or New Orleans(s.p?) are telling you... -shivers- I heard this one the other day, "Yea, my brother die up on that roof, I felt too sorry to throw him off so I just left him there to rot. I had to look at him till they came and got me off my roof." Ew, that's way too much information for me. Just throw his body off the roof.


I got a job!
I got a job! Well, not right now. But I'm hired! They have to send in some paper work and then I have to go in for some things. xD When I went in to feel out that paper work like four people asked me if they were hiring. Bill Millers is where everyone at my school works. No joke. Usually if your boyfriend/girlfriend or sister/borther works there they'll hire you. My friend Tiffanie was so mad that I got a job there. "I've already put in like 5 applications!", I couldn't help but laugh. D: Bish, I put in 6 or 7. Get over it my dear. Love you Tiffanie! <33 D: With you and your blackass.

Well, other then that. I'm re-reading all the Harry Potter books from first to last. Only problem is that I don't have book 2,3, and 5. My second book was lost at school in like the 6th grade. My thrid book, I read it so much, it got torn and all worn out so my mom throw it away (It was missing three chapters. I torn my favorite ones out and read them whenever I could. ;;>.> wink . My mom lost the fifth one when she was trying to read it while she was at work. She's a bus driver and she left it on the bus. Blah, bye bye bookie. I think that's what I'm gonna buy when I get paid. A new Harry Potter bookset. I've always wanted the ones from the UK. <3

I think that's really it. Nothing has really happened this week. However, I think Josh (some really hot guy from school) thinks I'm preppy. ;;>.> I was really hyper in 8th period and was asking about Disney movies and saying he needed to add some pink in his face. Which, he did. D: It was too gothic looking, he needs to look emo, not gothic. Emos are much hawter.

Love ya' all. <33

David FTW
Community Member

David FTW
Community Member
Wotcher, ya'll.
I've got a new nickname, I do! It's Harry Potter. :3 Given to me by the arseholes at my school. Mostly it's this one guy that was mean to me last year, too. At first it was annoying and hurtful, now thanks to my guild, I like it. I rather be called Luna, or Neville, or even Tonks. But, Harry does sound pretty good.

Anyways, so... a few days ago my mothers boyfirend, Jack, felt the need to cut my into cord into three parts. So, I went without internet for quite sometime. (For me anyway. It was only really like 5 days or so.) My mom, I think, made him give me another cord.

I've been really quiet all week again, which isn't fun. D: I found out I sit next to a german exchange student, and won't even say hi! I'm much too chicken. She's say it before, but I just nodded my head. I usually like being friends with those from different places. Hince, why I love the internet. Last years exchange student was freaky. :3 He was from the Netherlands (s.p?), his name was paul, and he was tall. He was like 6' 3" inchs, no joke. I'm like what 5'? So, he would come up behind me where I couldn't see him and stare down at me until I looked up and saw him there. :3 Effin' freaked me the hell out, everytime the boy did it! He's was hawt though, and I loved his accent. Now, we have a greman girl. Mwhaha, can somene say "I love her accent" ? Why did I have to be brought up in the states! I mean, I could have grown up in britian, could I? Then I would have that hawt accent. Damn the U.S., damn it to hell.

Serina is pissin' me off, that prat is! "OmFGG!1 Teh worlb is lyke goinf to enb cuzz of gesss!1, lollloolo" Arg, she just -- you know -- pisses me off. I was trying to help her with her paper a bit. She just blow up. Her sentece was, "Its really fun being hispanic because its really nice" I told her it should be more like "It's really fun being hispanic,because it's really nice." Or something like that. Oh, she just gets under my skin! She keeps flirting with every boy that comes in sight! Most are really immature and act like they're the top of the world. Mi'dears, you're FRESHMEN, bottom of the dem barrel. Stop acting as if you run the school, else you'll find yoursevles at the bottom of the trash. However, back to Serina. She's not even that pretty! Yea, okay. She has a cute baby face, chubby cheeks, but, I really hate to say this cus' it's mean, she's fat. I mean your not fat if your breasts are bigger then your tummy. Her tummy sticks out as if she was knocked up. Plus, she keeps going on about how rich she is, how she's a model. I can't even believe her at ALL anymore. She's just a lier. Course, I never trusted her, but I believed her. Oh well, I'm not going to anymore.

Shane, Molly's boyfriend, is an arsehole! He keeps annoying me. Acting like he's going to pour something -- and almost did-- on my Harry Potter book. I was so mad! Money is very tight and I can't buy a new one! Hell, my mother lost the 5th one on the bus. I still haven't gotten another copy of that. Plus, I still need to get a new 2nd,3rd, and 4th. I mean, I have the 4th but it's all torn up. I'll take a picture of it later. I'm missing the whole last chapter of the book, all but two pages of it (one's right in the middle of the last chapter and one's the very last page.) <3

I've re-read the sixth book. I never knew how much I missed! I mean, you find out what Prof. Sprout's first name. <3 Werid name, it is. It's Uber cool though.

Well, that's all for now.
See you when you comment, then!

Wotcher all!
'Ello readers! Well, my week has been a bit of a boring one. I went back to school on monday. Which I believe is on the same day as Percy Weasley's brithday. It was the 22nd. I felt really emo the first few days of school. I didn't know anyone in any of my classes. As some of you know, I'm really paranoid. I think everyone is laughing at me, or looking at me wanting to laugh. Stuff like that, so I was really emoish. It didn't help that I wore a skirt the first day back. I hate my legs, my mom says they're pretty, but they're not. There's this one skinny bish in my class, damn she's so pretty! I want a body like hers. I'm okay with my legs though, I like walking on them. :3 Tis' fun.

Blah, my teachers. gonk So many new teachers this year. Most are really young. My friend Angie swears up and down that Mr.Bullock is a underwear model. She also thought that he was gay, he's not. I think the oldest teacher I have it my british teacher. He's like 50-55. Maybe a bit older. My youngest teacher meh, 23? I've had younger, it's just damn. Most of my teachers are crazy. xD One of my teachers started acting like a monkey in class. "Ou Ou Ah," she was leaning over and jumping up and down all around that class. It was great fun to watch. I would hate to be her right then. She's cool though. The only teacher that kinda pisses me off is my BCIS teacher. >< She's way too happy-go-lucky. "You may think I only have two kids, but ya'll are all my kidos," I was like "OMFG, wtf bish." She also knows my sister, which is even worse. "Aww, are you Alisha's sister?" No, my last is just the same as hers. I know there are alot of people with the same last name that aren't related but I mean I have the whitest name and I go to a mexican school. If you hear a name like mine and hers, you should know that we are sisters. Dem white people n' there funny names. She talks like a Valley girl too. "Lyke OH MY GOD! That's lyke soooo great." :3 I wanna do that just to piss her off. I hope this year will be better then the last. I hated it last year. D: I still wanna go back to Martin. I miss everyone there!

I'm thinking of changing my avatar. Meaning, sorry people, I can't give you gold anymore. However, right when I get all the things and I'm happy with it I'll start givin' gold back out. <3 And if you really need it, just P.M me. I'll give it to you, I mean I don't really need it. I just want it. Tell me why it's so important to you and I'll see what I can do, okay?

Oh crappers, my sister thinks I'm a pushover. We went to Buger King and I wanted a icee thingy. So I got one but it was coke, which makes me sick. I didn't wanna send it back though, I mean it's really mean to just send it back. I didn't really tell them what I wanted. So I just took it. Now my tummy hurts cus' it got so hot and I drank it. I mean, how would feel if you worked all day with people complaining about something as small as an icee? It's stupid. I didn't want them to get mad at all. I know I would hate it, it would make me feel inferior.

Oh! Cory said hi today. I thought he didn't even want to talk to me. He only said it today. I saw him many times during the week. He could have said it then. I was too shy to tell him hi. I keep thinking that he didn't want me to. I don't wanna be all pushy and make those that don't want to say hi say it.

Oh, please wish my sister a happy brithday. :3 Today (the 26th.), is her brithday! It was Tiffnaie's Brithday too. I owe her a dollar. I need to find a way to pay her back. Shane too. Damn, school just started and I'm already two dollars in the hole. I need to get a job. Bill Miller just won't hire me. I put in like five applications. I did another one for Burger King. My sister says you have to call and bug them about it. I don't get why. I don't want to bother then, they're working. She says I'm just making up excuses. :3 Maybe I am, I don't know.

No one ever really comments in my Journal. Is it because I make them too long? I can make them shorter if ya'll want. I know I wouldn't really wanna read all of this stuff. <3

@Dovaxy: I wuvs you. <55433456333

Me. :3 You'll be owned by my uglyness.
User Image
I like my hair in this picture though. Don't really like the way I'm smiling. :3

David FTW
Community Member

David FTW
Community Member
This is a new post. =o! Oh noes.
Okay, so. I didn't have to shop at goodwill. Yay! I got to go to wal*mart. xD Plus, I got some kickass shoes. x3
-post pictures of shoes- =o! -x--x--x-. x3 I love the colors. So pruddy.

=o! I might get to re-dye my hair red. Which, duh, will rock. =D I'll be a weasley! Ya' know, poor, red haired, and.... ********, I'm in hufflepuff. =D Nevermind. I can't be a weasley. x3 Oh well.

Meh, I guess that last few days have been okay. Nothing really all that great. I live a boring life. T-T Which sucks. ;;>.> I need friends to hang out with. I need to go back to Arlington. gonk

I wish I could get a job so I can buy what I want.

Hufflepuff scarf
GAIA Mini Wings Baby T.

End post.
-Dun Dun Dunnn.-

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