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Dai's journal A place where I can post random whatever!

Daisuki Takaya
Community Member
Dameion's story [Book one] {Chapter 1}

"Well, we should start by explaining what's going on here. Well I've been reading a few of my friend's stories lately and I thought, 'you know, it would be fun and easier if people knew the story behind my characters.' So I thought I should start writing a story of my own.
What do you say? Would you read it? I hope so. Then I can stop explaining so much when people ask about my characters and I have something to do with them.Thanks for actually reading this if you did. I'll let you guys start the book now ^^;'"

In a small town, surrounded by trees, a young woman wondered the streets. She looked about 15 years of age. She had long, mahogany colored hair that she kept up in a 'spiked' styled pony-tail. Her long bangs, which reached down to her jaw, sat on either side of her face. Her eyes were a bright orange, though were hidden behind glasses. Around her neck were three necklaces; a black choker with a thin chain running through the slits in it. On this chain was a cross with a small jewel in the center. On another chain was a locket with a heart inscribed on it. She hasn’t been able to open this locket yet. On the last chain was a purple and white jeweled ring from her best friend.

Walking next to her was her husband. Her father was kind enough and willing to let her marry at such a young age. After all, she did grow up on her own.

Her husband was about 19 years in age. He kept his short, black hair out of his face by keeping it spiked up. He had one red strand that sits in front of his left eye. Both of his eyes were a brilliant red. He used to wear the cross that sat on his wife’s chest, but he gave it to her shortly after they were married.

In the man’s arms was a young, 2 year old boy, asleep. He had short, silvery hair that he wore down and beautiful Safire eyes. He still looked young for his age but was stronger and smarter than he looked. He was not the couple’s child, but was adopted instead.

The trio was very new to this place. They had only stumbled upon it trying to find the boy when he was late to check in with them from playing.

They were walking amongst strange people, if you wanted to call them people. Some of them barely looked human. Some of them were fairies, both large and small, while some ranged from people covered with animal qualities to people with just ears and a tail. Some were just animals. All of them of different spices of animal.

They felt out of place walking among these people, they were all staring as they stared back.

They came to a cart that sold hotdogs. The seller claimed his name was Harold, hence forth the name of his cart 'Harold's Hotdogs'. He tried to offer them some food but was disappointed when they refused. After all, how did they know they had the right currency for this place? They asked Harold if they could tell them where they were.

Harold only laughed, "You silly people. You mean to tell me that you have never heard of the land of Enase? The great land of Enase?"

The couple had to shake there heads, never hearing of the place. Harold then sent them away; thinking that if they did not know where they were they must not have Enase currency.

They wondered around a little longer trying to figure out where they were. The husband smiled, "Hey Seko, watta'ya say we stick around till Cody wakes up? I’m sure he’d like it here."

Seko looked back up at her husband and replied, "I'm sure he would Titus."

" you can see I'm not much of a writer ^^; But At least I tried. This is my first real try. Go easy on me."