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This Is Junk

Community Member
I qouted somthin very interesting! look at this:
he said:
You are not a nerd.
You are unpopular.
Who leads a successful, rich life? Popular people. Its not what you know it's who you know.
Who leads a successful, rich life? Hard workers. Being a nerd does not guarantee you will be a hard worker. In fact most "nerds," choose not to take part in sports and other extra-curricular activities simply because they do not have the work ethic.
Being popular, just means that people are attracted to you. People enjoy to be around you. People feel that you enrich their lives.
You need to spend your time on making yourself someone people would like to be around. Not spend time posting unintelligent things on a website.

I said:

look, you don't need to go around acting like your all better than us. See? This is wat popular ppl do.If you were a nerd, you would say all the same things. No being a nerd is not always being unpopular! it's being smart, loving things that others ar to dumb to notice, being a nerd is being judged wrong. Dont judge a book by its cover moment!Being a nerd is a privledge! It is not being unpopular, i have lots of nerdy friends! Being a popular is whats dumb! Populars aren't cool enough to be nerds! Now I say,

Now, if you are reading this, tell ppl the amazing truth!