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biggrin Well the night started out with us going to Applebees for dinner. I mean it was eleven of us, they actually saved two tables pushed together for us. I felt special. Lol. Anyways, it was me, Brandon (who I went with). Keith and his date Heather, who is really cool by the way. Kevin and his date Rachel dont know her very well, Shawn (sp?) and his date Natalie, I Dont know them, and then Richard and Theresa. I know them well. And Ricky who I didn't know but drove me nuts and got threatened with my knife, his date was shopping at the time. Poor guy. Anyways, dinner was fun. It was actually hillarious. I was laughing half the time.

Then we went to the dance, my friend Jodie tried to knock me down with a hug, I thought it would be the other way around. The dance was fun, they played mostly rap, but it was still fun, even though Jodie's boyfriend pissed her off. They worked it out though. And then Brandon kept getting dragged to the dance floor. After that Jodie, Dylan, Me and Brandon went to steak n shake and joked around for about an hour. It was great. one of the best nights of my life. This was a short summary but I have messages I have to check. So Bye.


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