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Akayuki no Kaede

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Oooh Shiny

Mun Jazz

Muse Jazz



I used to be known as Syarria Snow for the longest time until changing to Akayuki no Kaede (maple of the red snow, in case anyone was wondering what I meant), which brings up some nicknames beyond my usual mun name of Jack; Kae, Kaede, Yuki, Red, etc. I intend to RP more with this username, as I have been completely out of the loop for years now in forum-based RP.

My interests revolve mostly around story telling, creative writing, art and generally anything under the fantasy genre. As a family-orient person, my mind usually remains PG16 at any given time on GaiaOnline - anywhere else it might bump up to 18+ but that is rare as I'm more of a shy fox and prefer only to really show those colors to close friends. So be reassured I won't break any rules concerning those bars.

You can bother me at any given point, in fact I encourage it; I'm never one to make too many first moves lest given the hospitality to do so. Feel free to come chat with me through PMs or offer RP - there's a very low chance I'll ever decline.

Roleplay File

(Basically, Red's usual profile skeleton.)

{ General Identification }

Name: Kaede Hiyama
Title(s): Akayuki no Kaede
Nickname(s): Kae, Red
Species: Lightning Kitsune (Cursed)
Age: Appears 26 / Actual 503
Gender: Male (originally female)
Occupation: Mage / Thief (when magic just don’t work)

{ Personal Information }

Nature: Quiet | Characteristic: Thoroughly cunning
+ Humanitarian | Benevolent | Honorable
= Deceptive | Creative | Reserved
- Anxious | Crystal Heart | Holds Grudges
Red is typically found watching from afar, observing the regular human lifestyle as he likes to more or less people watch before making any motion of butting in. He’s relatively cryptic and impish, employing his charm to waver routines into adventures or devilish deeds into acts of kindness. Red likes to influence others, but does not like it reciprocated by complete strangers. He will listen to his friends, but only to a certain degree where his stubbornness will halt any undoing of his usual mask.
Streaks of generosity guide his actions with mortals, and he tries his best to assist them in any way he can. A bleeding heart for anyone with enough purity to their heart, or a jaded mind, Red will attempt to reach out to them to a degree and bring them up.

As a kit, Kae was tended to by her mother nearly every given hour alongside her litter of siblings. Kae’s father was a rare cross fox of a kitsune, and despite Kae’s mother desiring for him to only be hers, Kae’s father was a constant hot number for every other kitsune. Kae remembers mostly being raised by her mother and her mother’s sisters, whom babied the little runt lovingly and smothering Kae relentlessly. The clan that they hailed from was of the kami to wind and rain; aiding in the ushering of seasons or begrudgingly giving onslaughts of natural disasters to mediate the mortal realm. They governed a small portion of the mortal land and sky; a mountain that was constantly billowing with mist and storm. Mortals typically called them the lightning foxes, and found the mountain sacred to Red’s clan.
How Kae became Red was due to a misinterpretation of a mortal man, whom lost his wife from a lightning strike. The man become a shamble of a truth seeker or diplomat; resulting in a twisted visage of dark magic and potent weapons that were forged to cull those of Kae’s kind should they become a husk of their original form. The night that the once-mortal man had arrived at the mountain was the thunderous clash between the airy kitsune and corrupt flesh.
When the twisted mage had done the damage that would traumatize Kae for life, the man’s eyes set upon the little female kitsune in an epiphany of what conspired that night. Guilt washed over him like a surging wave, the uncertainty and anxiety becoming of him turning him mortal for a brief period in time as he reached to Kae with the intent of capture. One of Kae’s aunts had been severed from her lower half, the blood loss would soon take her yet seeing her niece in danger, she had to act out of the shred of life she still held onto. Fiercely firing a hexing upon the man to forever ruin his bloodline, the kitsune lady overexerted herself and perished before she saw her niece’s fate. Kae was terrified of what would happen if the man had turned his eyes upon her, but when the man fell dead from his chest bursting open and his blood staining Kae’s frame as tears ran down her face in shock of the horror she had witnessed. Unable to stand for it, she shrieked and found the strength to stand and run away from the accursed mountain of her birth. She didn’t know much from leaving at a young age, and as the blood stained her hair, her body began to morph under the dark magic’s influence of the kitsune’s curse; warping the truth of the binding unto a child of storm.
Kae was the human equivalent of 10 years old when that night had conspired, and in its wake; became Akayuki no Kaede - the maple of red snow. She became he, and traveled to the nearby town that had settled against the mountainside in honor of the kitsune that lived on the summit. Kae’s hair had reverted to red, his ears tucked densely against his skull and his tail hid beneath his clothing rather than billowing behind him - he was unrecognizable by the townsfolk as one of the summit kitsune. But they did recognize the fact that he was a child that needed help, and the shock in revelation that all the red on his clothes weren’t a print had been grand. They treated Kae as something of an omen afterwards, shunning him shortly after aiding him in regaining some of his color - the rest of his survival was up to him.
With a great deal of luck, he was able to find a home willing to take him in. Albeit, it wasn’t the best or greatest for its luxury value as his birthplace was, but it was a home to him. This home was full of misfits and conmen, and thus their habits became part of his daily life style; from pickpocketing to panhandling crowds since he was a “hungry homeless boy” to most of the populace in the city. He was picked on by gangs for his brilliant red hair, eventually beaten a red pulp with constant chants about the irony of it. Red swiftly learned how to fight in self defense, looking to another in his little family for pointers. His adoptive older brother saw to teaching him a more efficient way of fighting; nitōjutsu and subsequently kendo (though he should’ve been taught the former first than the latter). Having blades and discipline with his own body assisted, and he grew to being more of a thief type than a mage as his ideal for latent magic control was akin to dust bits. Red shakily improved his skills on his own, honing them was a test against others rather than himself. The blades his brother gave him weren’t the best of shape nor sharpness, so he had to train himself to leave impact wounds than clean gashes in his enemies. This was fine, as blunt style of fighting left more bruises and less desire to bully in his opponents.
Red was the human equivalent of 17 when he left home, confident in his competence as a mature ‘adult’. He wanted to find the reasons behind his family’s decimation, and seeing to the mountain summit of his birthplace, he was surprised to see the family rekindled of that night he became an orphan. Though, as he wanted to believe he would be welcomed with warm arms and happy smiles, he was sorely mistaken for his naiveté demeanor. He was cursed. And he was shunned from the mountain altogether for that night’s trauma. He tried to explain and retell the story, but none of the extended family would listen. Reluctantly, Red left but paused at seeing his family’s graveyard. He walked through it in sorrow of his exile and remembrance of how each of them died, and touching a few of their names as he walked by. He sat in silence for the remainder of the night, as if he were speaking to their ghosts in his solitude.
Unable to remain upon or remotely near the mountain (he was chased out of it with a mob behind him), he decided to travel and use what his adoptive family could give him in the short time that their mortal lives could give him. He met a dragon lady whom was rather crossed with someone that had stolen one of her golden scarves, and Red retrieved it for her after picking up her scent from a thief in the forest. Grateful, she allowed him to remain around her for a time and befriend one another. Red simply introduced himself as his nickname, and she gave him the choice of whatever to call her. As her scent vaguely reminded him of cookies, he called her Cookie. They spent years together, telling each other their life stories over a gradual period. At some point they decided to marry, as they were able to comfort each other during crucial points. Red never gave up his shoddy lifestyle despite Cookie’s protest and suggestions, as Cookie never really gave up her love of soft scarves and pretty shiny things (Red worsened that by gifting her a few shiny things himself). They chose to travel separately off-and-on, as Red’s love for people watching would sometimes clash with her not-so-extroverted nature.

++ Loves / + Likes / -- Hates / - Dislikes
++ People Watching
++ His Wife
+ Money
+ Sweets
-- Dark / Black Magics
-- Despondence
- Disrespect
- Poachers

Talent(s): Observation, Swordfighting, Chi-Blocking, Ninjutsu.
Flaw(s): Stoic, Easily Manipulated, Stickler, Dogs.

{ Interpersonal Relationships }

Orientation: Panromantic Bisexual
Status: Married
Significant Other: ‘Cookie’ the Dragon Lady

--A bunch of dead foxes, tbh.

{ Additional Information }

=His twin blades are referred to as female, and he tenderly refers to them as his sisters.
=He cannot call upon the weather for assistance, but he can ride storms akin to surfing on ocean waves.
=Red can take a lot of voltage or electrocution, to a degree that most will say he’s invincible against anything electrical. Most electronics, however, do not last in his presence as he will create a ‘static’ effect to them. No one let him near the microwave!

Love Runs Out - OneRepublic