Meow! (=^_^=)
There isn't much to know about me. I'm the moodiest, most confusing living thing you'll ever meet. I have my good days and bad, but you'd rather catch me on a good day because, if I'm having a bad day, I'll probably rip your face off is you get on my nervs. I not trying to act tough, I promise. The full truth is: You'll either want to cuddle up with me and always be with me or stay as far away as possible.
When I'm having a good day, I'm bouncing off the walls and everything is such a wonderous delight to me. And that, you'll either learn to love or want to knock me out.
You may never notice, but I have very low self esteem. Nothing can make me completly confident. When it comes to clothes and hair and stuff like that I'm always thinking "Wow, I love it!" and then my mind switches to "But somebody is gunna hate it and tease me about it. Ugh! I can't take much more of this!" I have many down times when I have it in my head that nobody cares about a thing I have to say (which is, for the most part, true) and I'm just here to fill in the empty space.
Yes, I have friends. And we have some pretty good memories and tons of fun when we're together, but I still keep them in the dark. Not because I don't trust them, but because they wouldn't understand and to protect myself. If I told them what was really going on in my mind and how I truly feel about certain things, they would all hate me and I'd lose every single one of them. How do I know? Because I've slowly opened up and tried to show who I really am and they all seemed to have a problem with it.
I have a strange way a talking. I don't mean my speech or any accents, but the way I word things is deffinatly different from the average person. It's comes in from the way I see the world and the way I think about my surroundings. Sometimes I mumble, scream, or just talk way too fast for anyone to comprehend what I've just stated. My thought are simply too complex to verbalize clearly.
I am a writer. I want to become a journalist or something in that area of literature. You can ask some of the people who know me best and they will tell you just how brilliant my work really is. I know I will go some where with my wrting.
My list of work:
Ninja Behind the Mask (finshed, not typed)
-untitled- (In the midst of writing)
Total Darkness (In the midst of writing)
Kiss of Death
Extra Size
In This Wonderful Place Called Heaven
Math Class on a Cloud
He Says (wicked old, kinda sucks)
Stuck in ASB (again)
Um... tons of others I don't remember
Short Stories-
I Miss You, Do You Miss Me?
Larry the Leprechaun (school assignment)
Welcome to my life...the pain,the love, and all the random stuff that may be on my mind.
Have fun...
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