
The Name's Jenn
I'm 18-years-old.
I'm pretty outgoing and awesome.
Most of the time, I don't care.
Unless if it has anything to do with my friends.
Then s**t is DEFINITELY going down.
Big time OTAKU!
I currently reside in South Carolina.
Hardeeville, to be precise.
This place isn't bad.
Miss my old friends, though.
I hate fakes.
All of my friends have a place in my heart.
I don't like people in general.
Video Games is my passion,
as well as theater and art.
Deffinitly love Blood Stain Child, Waking the Cadaver, Cannibal Corpse, KsE, Angerfist, Daft Punk, Behemoth, Kerli, Mindless Self Indulgence, and many more bands<3
Well, I guess that's it.
Add me, or hit me up.
And if you wanna add my facebook,
@wickedshinigami - FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER.


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