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MajorasMaskGuy's avatar

Last Login: 05/24/2012 11:33 am

Registered: 01/27/2011

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/27

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Want some? Come and get it! *Punches responders in the face*



I'm a weird guy. I recently started writing stories and drawing even though I used to think I was horrible at it. I want to learn how to play the bass guitar and maybe the sweet potato ocarina. I'm planning on making a web comic but I don't know where to start. I also just started an Abridging group but my cast and crew currently only consists of two or three people and I'm looking for people who are willing to help, especially a female cast member, still working on that. blaugh

I'm part of a rp guild call St. Paranormal Academy, it hasn't been very active lately so I took it upon myself to recruit new members. Isabel aka mad_hatter223 is an awesome girl and you should support her guild!

Speaking of Guilds, I made one of my own know as the Alliance of the Betrayed, join it, today!

On another note...if you want to join my Gaia'll need to ask me first obviously...right now all I have are my little sisters and my daughters...because my "twin" and I had a falling out and don't speak anymore...


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Sacred Samurai47 Report | 12/21/2016 3:26 pm
Sacred Samurai47
hey whats up
SoulStealingKitten Report | 12/28/2014 10:37 pm
why's your username so familiar..
Yui Yoi Report | 06/25/2012 8:14 am
Yui Yoi
LONG TIME NO SEE! Do you still come on? I miss youuuu! Chiao
Brokar-Mizura Report | 02/06/2012 7:02 pm
Ok so ill get the match after im a two sword then good more skill for both of us then oh and you be havin fun cuz um enjoying pissing off yer sis it be hilarious!
Brokar-Mizura Report | 01/30/2012 7:36 pm
so bro when you gonna be around again? may need a sparing partner fatmas moves are stale and easy to combat against
sexualIy seductive Report | 12/05/2011 3:54 pm
sexualIy seductive
It means have sex with you~!
sexualIy seductive Report | 12/05/2011 2:44 pm
sexualIy seductive
Oh my I though you were off that crazy sex guild, I was
about to take you around the block~!
sexualIy seductive Report | 12/05/2011 2:22 pm
sexualIy seductive
Thanks for the friend request~!
Why did you add me darling?
casui Report | 11/28/2011 11:16 am
So why the random ad?
What do you like to write? And do you write fanfiction?
Heart_of_Elemental Report | 11/28/2011 9:51 am
Hey! How you been?

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