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Name: Elena Abna Louise Ayers Smith
Nickname: Shree
Age: 27

Location: Currently in Utah, and trust me, I'm hating every second of it

Preferred Location: Southern California by the coast. SAN DIEGO!

Color: Purple
Animal: Stag, Giraffe, Goat, Kangaroo
Plant: Palm tree, Roses (Yellow <3)
Food: Sushi, Pasta (Pesto especially)
Drink: Coffee
Place: Starbucks
Music: Techno, Celtic

Likes: Transformers, Pokemon, Monsters, Dancing, Coffee, Glow Sticks, Blood, Comic Books, Cartoons, Sci-fi, DC Super Heroes, RPing, Nail Polish, Music, Creepy things

Dislikes: Jerks, Mean people, >[
Monkeys, Spiders, Realists/Reality, Sex

I believe in karma, do harm to others, and you get whats coming to you!
Creativity is the the most powerful force in the universe.

My love is Jazz~
My god is the East Kaioshin <3
My friends and my mother mean absolutely everything to me <3
I am proudly Asexual

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Last Login: 12/27/2024 9:44 pm

Registered: 04/11/2004

Gender: Animal

Location: Layton, Utah D; Soon to be in Vista Californa 8D &lt;3333

Birthday: 03/14/1987

Occupation: Writer/ Paranormal Investigator/ Monster Tamer

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