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My name is:Kazune-kun :3
My mama: Momiji-fb

Momiji-fb's PokePet
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Momo the level 99 Mew!

User ImageThis is Momiji-fb! I love Fruits Basket (espeicially Momiji!), DNAngel, Kamichama Karin, d grey-man, and many other manga! I especially like to read! Twilight and New Moon rock! Bands that I love are My chemical romance three days grace and weezer. THe Phantom of the Opera is awesome! <3
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Aimai san senchi sorya puni tte koto kai? Choh!
Rappingu ga seifuku...daa furi tte kotanai pu.
Son to kyaacchi & Release gyoh
Ase (Fuu) ase (Fuu) no tanima ni Darlin' darlin' F R E E Z E!!

Nanka daruu nanka deruu
Aishiteruu aree ikko ga chigatteru n ruu
Nayaminbouu koutetsubouu
Oishinboo iikagen ni shi nasai

Tondetta aitsu no hoteru karada tte
Iwayuru futsuu no onya no ko
Odoroita atashi dake? Tonkotsu harigane o-kawari da da da

BON-BON ooendan
Let's get! Cherii pai
RAN-RAN kangeekai
Look up! Senseeshon
Hai! Sonzaikan tenten shouwakusei
Butsukatte tokemashita boozen
Ooi ni utatte shirenjaa

Motte ike!
Saigo ni waracchau no wa atashi no hazu
Seeraa fuku da kara desu ketsuron
Getsuyoubi na no ni!
Kigen warui no dou suru yo?
Natsufuku ga ii no desu Kawaii

Sekkin san pikuto suru made tte chuucho da yan¡Ù
Ganbatte harikitte My Darlin' darlin' P L E A S E!!

Moriagarii morisagarii
Koishitarii mada naisho ni shi to ite rinrii
Amaenbouu youjinbouu
Tsuushinboo chooshi koite gyokusai

Fundetta aitsu ni koyubi itai tte
Oogesa chiraari kuro niihai
Zettai ja n ryouiki ja n? Namaashi tsurupika o-nedari da da da

MON-MON moosouden
Let's go! paru shinden
YAI-YAI sooran bushi
What's up? Tenputeeshon
Oi! Soushitsukan zenzen arubaito
Sagashitara mitsukatte toozen
Jinsei marutto kenennaashi

Yatte mi na!
Shinki ni neracchau no wa atashi no chousen
Seeraa fuku kigaete mo atashi
Shuumatsu wa dou yo?
Chira mise nante arikitari!
Seifuku wa kantan yo rakuchin

Fuusoku san meetoru dakitsuite gaman da gyu¡Ù
Mune dokkin koshi zukkin I'm Sugar sugar S W E E T!!

Let's get! Uh Uh Ah!
RAN-RAN chop chop kick
Look up! Fu Fu Ho!
HI! Education!! Love is ABC
Undaka daa undaka daa unya unya
Hare tte hore tte hiren raa

Motte ike!
Saigo ni waracchau no wa atashi no hazu
Seeraa fuku da kara desu ketsuron
Getsuyoubi na no ni!
Kigen warui no dou suru yo?
Natsufuku ga ii no desu Kawaii

Yappari ne
Saigo ni waracchau no wa atashi no hazu
Seeraa fuku da kara desu ketsuron

Aimai san senchi sorya puni tte koto kai? Wao!
Rappingu ga seifuku...yoshi furi tte kotanai po.
An to kyaappu & jaaji de hah
Asease de suketara Darlin' darlin' A M U S E!!

in english:
At vaguely 3cm, is that called squishy? Geez!
My wrapping is a uniform… It can’t be disadvantageous, pbbt.
I’ll try my best ♥ I’ll do it
That and catch & Release, gak
In the cleavage of sweat (Fuu) sweat (Fuu), Darlin’ darlin’ F R E E Z E!!

Kinda down, kinda gone
I love you- Huh, one’s wrong?
Worrier, high iron bar
Foodie- Cut it out

About the blushing body of that girl who jumped
She’s a normal girl, so to speak
Is it just me who was surprised? Tonkotsu wires, another helping-ping-ping

BON-BON cheerleaders
Let’s get! Cherry pie
RAN RAN welcome party
Look up! Sensation
Yeah! The feeling of existence…asteroids
They collided and melted, dumbfounded
Singing loudly, Sirenger

Take it!
The one who will be laughing at the end should be me
Because it’s a sailor uniform, that’s it ← The conclusion
Even though it’s Monday!
I’m not feeling well, so what to do?
Summer clothes are nice ← Oh? So! Cutesy

I hesitate until it gets close to 3 picts, yah ☆
Try your best, be eager, My Darlin’ darlin’ P L E A S E!!

Rising, descending
Falling in love- Keep it a secret still, that’s moral
Spoiled kid, bodyguard
Report card- Get cocky and you’ll be crushed

I tell that girl my pinky that got stepped on hurts
There’s an exaggerated glimpse of black knee-highs
Is it absolute, is it territory? I demand my bare feet to be smooth-ooth-ooth

MON-MON delusion chronicle
Let’s go! Parthenon
YAI-YAI Soran song and dance
What’s up? Temptation
Hey! The feeling of loss; a $$ part-time job
If you search for it, then you’ll discover
That you naturally have absolutely no fear for life

Try it!
What targets the new rules is my challenge
Even if I change my sailor uniform = me
What to do on weekends?
A flash of skin is common!
Uniforms are simple = easy

At wind speed 3 meters, I hold onto you and endure it, guish ☆
Your chest thumps, your tummy cramps, I’m Sugar sugar S W E E T!!

Let’s get! Uh Uh Ah!
RAN-RAN chop chop kick
Look up! Fu Fu Ho!
HI! Education!! Love is ABC
Um, I wonder, um, I wonder, lightly lightly
It gets sunny, I get a crush, tragic love and such

Take it!
The one who will be laughing at the end should be me
Because it’s a sailor uniform, that’s it ← The conclusion
Even though it’s Monday!
I’m not feeling well, so what to do?
Summer clothes are nice ← Oh? So! Cutesy

Just as I thought
The one who will be laughing at the end should be me
Because it’s a sailor uniform, that’s it ← The conclusion

At vaguely 3cm, is that called squishy? Whoa!
My wrapping is a uniform… Right, can’t be disadvantageous, poh.
I’ll try my best ♥ I’ll do it
That and in cap & jersey, hah
If they turn see-through due to my sweat, it’s Darlin’ darlin’ A M U S E!!

my purdyful drawing>w< i hope u guys likey

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This is my dream avi!
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Total Value: 767,428 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gimpi 3rd gen.
Fallen Wish 11th Gen.
Kaya the Cat
Heart of Gold
Hermes' Moon
Decorated Onyx Nose Chain
Spirited 2k6 Scarf
Winter Rose
Sparkling Eyes Clown Makeup
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
Bunny Tail
Silver Heart Belt
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest
Drop Dead Gorgeous Rose Skull Hairpin
Moira's Wig
Charred Tundra Boots
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Black
Easter Bunny Ears
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Earl Grey Tea Time Waitress Dress
Vampire Potion

i really want this! Please donate to help me!!!! alls left is gimpi!

this is my twin brother!!!!! his username is Ichigo-Hotake
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i love him very much! help him out!

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What type of Fae are you?

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Thanks to SoraofKeyblades 4 my ears! OMG!!!!
and to flash 4 my tail!!!
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.[br]Click here to feed me a Rare Candy![br]Get your own at Pokeplushies!

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.[br]Click here to feed me a Rare Candy![br]Get your own at Pokeplushies!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.[br]Feed Me![br]Adopted from Valenth


Viewing 12 of 190 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/05/2011 3:04 pm


hey you :] long time no talk, if you get on here at all then HIIIIIII if not then i guess i just wasted a minute of my life >< lol
Brother Dave

Report | 10/25/2010 6:30 am

Brother Dave

I don't think you'll remeber me but my old user name was first speedy10453 then ll flash ll now this.
Just saying hey after all these years.

Report | 01/21/2010 8:42 am


Sorry, but I don't use Facebook. Used to, but not anymore. Bad memories, would prefer to leave them there. You should keep in touch with me. You had my number to text heh. Just feel free to text anytime, as I'm usually available during anytime during the day.

Report | 01/20/2010 6:39 am


*Hugs* Heya Momiji (I would call you by name, but as I am commenting on your profile, I tend to keep things within Gaia limits for identity protection). How's it goin? =) Haven't heard from you in awhile. And yea, I know you're not on there anymore. =/ Had to clean up my profile abit cause I had a few complaints that it was cluttered and causing lag whenever friends viewed it, and even now it still causes lag to some. *Sighs* People just never seem to be satisfied with anything anymore. =/
Classically Trained Hiki

Report | 01/01/2010 6:29 pm

Classically Trained Hiki

Ish your birthday?! Happy Birthday to ya! X3

Report | 12/23/2009 6:54 pm


I can't wait for your birthday!

Report | 12/16/2009 4:24 pm


Where are you? User Image User Image

Report | 11/04/2009 11:15 pm


lalalalallalala User Image

Report | 11/03/2009 9:57 pm


I miss you! User Image
Classically Trained Hiki

Report | 10/16/2009 6:53 pm

Classically Trained Hiki

Yay, thanks! :3

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Check out this amazing art shop!