okay here we go again
I am Lorna
Im Age 14, born on 5th november
biggrin urmm im 5ft 7
I have 11 ear piercings an a lip piercing
Im gothic, dont like it then ******** off
smile I write poetry an draw an do archery an i used to do horse riding but i cant be botherd anymore
I dont perticualy love my life but i dont think anyone does an if they do then there weird
I go to a differant school from all of you because if been kicked out of 7 schools because if someone pisses me off i wont leave them alone till there hurt
smile anyway talk to me! i dont bite that hard...
so byebye
This is my journal
about me
hiya read my journal if ya want leave a comment if ya would like 2 :D
you can try to tear me down beat me to the ground i will see you screeming
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