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riverfairy13 Report | 04/25/2011 7:21 pm
lol, im ok, i've got more scholarship applications to do but im deffinitely going to Purdue University! lol ummm my cousin is moving in with us....ugh! and because of him we got new rules for the house....which sucks! lol
well tell him hi and *hugs* you should really do your homework XD
riverfairy13 Report | 04/08/2011 9:36 pm
lol so am i XD how is Carrik doing? how are you doing? whats been happening?
riverfairy13 Report | 03/19/2011 6:38 pm
um some businesses and people decide they want to help people go to college so there are contests for their money and we call them scholarships....usually the people who get them have done really well in school and community stuffs.... ihavent gotten any and im so tired of filling them out XD
riverfairy13 Report | 03/18/2011 3:54 pm
lol no fair! i want some! XD ummm well the musical practice is really long and boring right now and ummmm im trying to do scholarships but i just cant seem to sit down and actually do them lol
how are you?
riverfairy13 Report | 03/15/2011 7:51 pm
lol thanks *hugs back* whatcha doin?
riverfairy13 Report | 03/10/2011 3:22 pm
lol get working on that !! you better pass!!! lol me too!!! lol lots of stress and studing going on lol precalc is precalculus. its a contest for instruments and chorus we learn a song and play it for a judge, they look really good on college applications lol thats the main reason i did it this year and we got a second ....because my partner didnt practice sad i play the clarinet lol im not that good at it XD jap? lol you have to pass!!!! or you are in big trouble XP
riverfairy13 Report | 03/03/2011 6:39 pm
lol well if you slack off then you are pretty much screwed..... and lol yes to young! um it is a semester course ...the class will help me decide what i want to do, i can take it for 2 years but after that im on my own. lol ummmmmm its been ok, ive been really tired lately unfortunately, not so good for school lol i dont think i can pass precalculus....i hate that class XD and i have solo and ensemble competition this weekend so its kinda stressful lol what about you?
riverfairy13 Report | 02/26/2011 9:16 am
lol THANKS! yeah legal and all that XD I just had dinner with my family and opened my birthday cards lol i didnt really want to do anything since ive been sick XD Your ACT score helps you get into college but if you slack at school and your grades start to suck or you drop out then the college will kick you out....which sucks! yeah homework has always been graded sucks cause when i dontknow how to do something my mom can check my grades online and yell at me when i get home lol class rank is when they rank all the students in your goes from best grades to in the middle but my mom wants me to be higher.... School is very competitive....because college/university cost so much the higher your scores the more scholarship money you will probably get... no you have a GPA starting in 6th grade lol um im studing undergraduate studies program or USP its where kids who dont know what they want to do go to this class and take a bunch of tests and go places to figure out what they want to study....idk what i want to study...its hard to figure out what i want to do with my life lol i like to many things. LOL well if its along time away i wouldnt worry about it either ... (School here, the usual. Test at the end of year 6 to see which highschool you get into, the higher you score, the better highshcool. Then another at grade 10, so people can leave school and still have enough qualificatiosn for low-level jobs, but they’re taking that away now, and then, the leavers exam, for which uni/college. Just like wherever you are. biggrin But we have internal exams, which make up our school marks, which makes up half of our ATAR, and the other half comes from external, state-wide exams, which is all rounded up, averaged, ranked, evened out, levelled out, all that XD and man.. the stress is awful.) ....what??? lol mk ill try...we had another snow day yesturday... ugh!
riverfairy13 Report | 02/19/2011 7:15 pm
lol i turned 18 today XD
the SAT's or PSAT's or ACT's are tests that for one tells the government which schools are doing better than others so we have to get high scores on them they go from 0-36 points....i got a 26 which is an extremely good score for my school. they also help you get into college or university, the schools look at your score to make sure you are good enough to be accepted into their school....which sucks! lol GPA's are your grade point averages, its all your scores from homework,tests, and projects...basically everything you do in school, averaged to give you your GPA and that helps with class rank, which again helps you get into college or university. the higher the score the more likely that you will be accepted.
really?! that would have been exciting! college and university is getting really going to Purdue university and well thats 40,000 per mom only makes 14,000 a year and i dont have any kind of income so im going to go into huge debt because of it but its ok cause ill get a good job and pay it off quickly i hope XD so what are you going to do about uni? where are you going to go now? how do schools work where you live?
riverfairy13 Report | 02/17/2011 3:35 pm
lol well its more fun to drive like i do XD
lol i have 4 months till i graduate....june 7th then i start college in august
*hugs* XD how is you doin?




CarrikSandov's avatar

Registered: 06/29/2004

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/12
