Viewing Jah_Breaka's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I like HOT GIRLS, playing soccer, listening to music, Drawing, and hanging around with friend.

User Image
Total Value: 3,417,238 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Kitsune Mask
Black Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Vampire Hunter Hat
Gracie's Soccer Ball
Vampire Hunter Hat
Vampire Hunter Hat
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Smiling Gold Grill
Silver Starman Earring
Demonic Pendant
Crossed Belts
Celebrity Date
Snowbored Pants Red
Dark Halo


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/31/2008 1:09 pm



Report | 05/14/2008 3:15 pm


Hey nice profile!!! User Image User Image User Image

Report | 02/23/2008 1:44 pm


i know i'm posting this on my own profile but this is something me and my friend made up

To most people who can get girls a lot, girlfriends r like cars...

there okay to have 4 a year or 2 but u never now wat could happen..

u can have a car, go on vacation and next thing u know when u take it for a ride u noticed it's been totaled already...

so u go and find a new one a week later u go on vacation when u come back some one stold it...

now u finally say "Man i'm moving out of this dump"...

u move get a new car but then u say "Having one car sucks i need more"...

years later your a pimp and u have every thing u want...

so on saturdays u want to drive fast and u ride your Ferrari F40, it seems like it would work but u find out it has luggage...

so on fridays u want to drive something dirty and ride your Hummer, soon enough it gets too smashed so u dump it...

so on sundays u want to see when u drive so u ride your convertible, but then it starts dropping down rain...

So u quit on cars and just settle 4 bikes and some times u want some thing better so u skate

Now change these words around:

Car - girlfriend

ride - sex

totaled - ********

stoled - taken her

Ferrari F40 - Hot and sexy girl

luggage - babies

Hummer - hot girl

smashed - ********

convertible - Sexy girl

rain - sperm

bikes - hugs

skate - kisses

Report | 02/22/2008 3:04 pm


i know this is my pofile but it's going to take 2 long 2 post it to every person i know

how come we ((sleep)) in ((school and church))

But stay ((awake) through a [[3 hour movie]]?

Why is it so ((hard)) to talk about [[God]],

but so ((easy)) to talk about [[sex]]?

Why are we so ((bored)) when we look at a [[Christian magazine]],

but find it ((easy)) to read [[Playboy]]?

Why is it so easy to ((ignore)) a [[Godly]] myspace bulletin,

Yet we ((repost)) the [[nasty]] ones?

Why are ((churches)) getting [[smaller]],

But ((bars and clubs)) are [[expanding]]?

Why is it so easy to purchase {beer} and {drugs}?

But so hard to donate 25 cents for a {Charity}?

Why is it so easy to worship a {Celebrity}?

But very difficult to engage with {God}?

Think about it, are you going to repost this?

Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?

Repost this as "dont read if ur immature ....seriously"

80 % of you wont repost this.

The Lord said:

If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my

Report | 02/16/2008 5:23 am


wutz up man????

Report | 02/15/2008 3:59 pm


Hi, I am Teddy. Once you read this you cannot get out. Finish reading this until it is done! As I said, I am Teddy. I am 7 years old and have no eyes and blood all over my face. I am dead. If you don't send this to 12 ppl, I will come to ur house at midnight and hide under ur bed. When ur asleep I'll kill you. Don't believe me? Case 1: Patty Buckles got this email. She doesn't believe in chain letters. Well, foolish Patty. She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off. Now she's not with us anymore. Haha Patty, haha. You don't wanna be like Patty, do you? Case 2: George M Simon hates chain mail, but he didn't wanna die that night. He sent it to 4 ppl. Not good enough George. Now George is in a coma & we don't know if he'll ever wake up. Haha George haha! Now, you don't wanna be like George do you? Case 3: Valarie Tyler got this letter. Another chain letter she thought. She only had 7 more people to send too. Well, that night when she was having a shower she saw Bloody Mary in the mirror It was the BIGGEST fright of her life. Valarie is scarred for life. Case 4: Derek Minse. This is the last case so I'll tell you about it. Derek was a smart person. He sent it to 12 people and found a $100.00 dollar bill on the ground. He was promoted to head officer at his job and his girlfriend accepted his propose. Now Katie and him are living happily ever after. They now have 2 beautiful children. Send this 2 12 ppl or you'll serve the consequences. 0 - you'll die 2ight; 1 to 6 - you'll get injured; 7 to 11 - you'll get the biggest fright of ur life; 12 and over - ur saved and will have a great fortune. Do what Teddy!!!! Hurry!!!! Send this to 12 ppl before midnight 2night!!!

Report | 02/06/2008 1:17 pm


imma start gettin on gaia more to see what yall like about it so much

Report | 02/06/2008 1:17 pm


wuts up son

Report | 01/26/2008 7:49 am


try this out! Send this to at least 10 people and then press F5! You'll get 10,000 gold

Report | 01/25/2008 3:57 pm


hey i like your profile. check out mine please and tell me how you like it lol