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My name is Richard, but you can call me darkbluefox, or darkblue if you want.
Likes: music, people (well, some), books, movies, and computer.
Dislikes: People that are full of themselves, and not much else...

I don't really know what else to say.


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come and buy. xD


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Due to the current financial restraints,
The light at the end of the tunnel
will be turned off until further notice.

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Xx_McFlurries_xX Report | 01/10/2010 5:35 pm
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 10:14 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
last time i tried to broke my record that to get 4 easter items twice but too bad, i couldn't make it at the 2nd 4th item because the event was over when i collected half of 500.
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:33 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
well, same as well. i used about 1 day to get 3 of 4 items while 3-4 days to get the last item. Even i went to zomg, i kept pacing to find egg. sometimes they got before i did, blame the line.
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:15 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
too bad, easter event already over long time ago. that time, i got alot of golds frm there.
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:12 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
10k right now. i kept playing zomg to get item and recipe and make them to sell at marketplace.
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:08 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
since last mistake, now i got a lesson. nvr buy some imp potion without trying.
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:05 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
well, me too. i got a financial problem because i bought a wrong item. well, foolish mistake. ^^''
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:02 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
me too, i need some gold for inari's bead.
natsumi88 as Gracia Report | 04/25/2009 9:00 am
natsumi88 as Gracia
Thanks for buying.
Candied Catastrophe Report | 04/23/2009 7:40 pm
Candied Catastrophe
Lol it's a song, but yes biggrin

The story of - Wonderlust


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