Viewing Autumn Darkwood's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


My friends would describe me as peppy, compassionate, and charismatic. I make it a point to be open to other's experiences and tastes, and I will never tease or insult anyone based on that. I'm very open-minded, and give the same respect to people as they do me.

I've lived on the Pacific coast my entire life, but I have plans in the future of changing that.

I love to read fantasy series novels, and occasionally I like to write my own. I would say 90% of the day I spend daydreaming while the other 10% is left for general life duties.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/23/2011 2:20 pm


Hahaha, you found him huh? He's definitely one of my greatest creations so far! Manly men are such fun.

Report | 06/21/2011 2:24 pm


I promise to start talking there again! <33 Just tomorrow when I wake up x

Report | 06/15/2011 9:53 pm


Well? It's been two months. Have you given it a go? :]

Report | 06/02/2011 3:25 pm


Autumn It has been too long! How are you?

Report | 03/24/2011 8:50 pm


Like books? Read the Night Angel Trilogy. First book is The way of the Shadows. It's one hell of a ride. =]
The Comic Man

Report | 12/13/2010 11:59 pm

The Comic Man

Hehe. xd I would like to come back, I just want a more active guild, ya know?

Report | 12/12/2010 10:49 pm


Hey there. I don't know if you still log onto Gaia and RP, but if you do, shoot me a message!
The Comic Man

Report | 12/11/2010 9:55 pm

The Comic Man

Yeah, kinda taking a hiatus. Running the guilds was getting hard what with lack of people.
Millenium Joker

Report | 11/16/2010 3:29 pm

Millenium Joker

This is Millenium Joker, Captain of the Scars of Oblivion guild speaking, contacting you to inform you that you have been.....


Please, post, join RPs, and try to be active.

Rules are easily found on the front page of the guild (same old etiquette applies, blah blah blah) and the OOC section can be found on the main forums page.

Again, Welcome.

Now, speaking on a strictly member to member basis, lets skip the introductory formalities.

The guild needs yer help.

On your application, you stated you're good with organizational skills.

Recently, our last Captain/creator of the guild flaked on us, and I am the leader in his standing- a position that is only temporary for now.

We are scrambling to find new members, and even leaders- already Jaydine is my VC, a position she has taken only as a formality.

If you are interested, PM me about the possibility of becoming Crew, so that we may get some much needed work and RPing done around the guild, to help it thrive and prosper.

Report | 10/14/2010 12:45 pm


Thanks for your purchase!