• tab As i walked down the street one night i knew that someone had been following me. And i hadn't cared. About three minutes later there foot steps had disappeared, i looked back, no one was there, i was surprised i started walking more and the foot steps came and they were really fast this time so i started running, before i knew it i was on the ground pleading for life. I was yelling "Let me GO!" He said he would if i did a favor. "What?" i asked. said "Go rob a store for me." Said the Mysterious man. "NO!" i yelled. "Well than i guess ill mail these photo's of you seeing that rated R movie to your house." Since I'm only 15 i know that my parents would kill me. "How..."i stopped "What if i get caught?" "You won't Allison." "How..."i stopped i knew that he had been following for a couple months."When should i do it?" i asked. "Tonight"
    tab I figured i would the Gas station near here would be a great target. Since it doesn't have security cameras or any thing protective. As i walked toward it bad thoughts came racing to my mind. As soon as i knew it i was there the Quick Shop gas station. I hadn't noticed but there was a gun in my pocket, i knew not to try the front door. So i walked around back, i saw there was an EMPLOYEES ONLY door i walked towards it. Then i started to open, i ran to the nearest hiding spot, which was a couple of bushes near by. The employee walked towards his car. I had noticed that he forgot to lock the door so i quietly went inside, i wonder what the guy wanted anyway, candy, pop, beer,chips,donuts,tobacco,lottery tickets? i grabbed some candy,pop,lottery tickets,and some tobacco. And went to the guy. He took the stuff and pulled me towards him and grabbed the gun out of my pocket. "Come here tomorrow at 10:00 P.M. I'll give you another task tomorrow." I walked home felling bad for myself. I couldn't sleep all night thinking about what i did. I finally fell asleep.
    tab I woke up at 8:00 A.M. I ate breakfast and watched T.V. The news came on about the robbery, i quickly changed the channel. I wondered what i would do for the next 13 hours. I sleeped most of the time, five hours until 10:00 I figured enjoy the time i have left. I chated with some friends online for about 2 hours. I watched some more T.V. for about an hour. I toke a half an hour walk. and for an hour i played some Wii, and walked the rest of the half hour to the spot.
    tab He wasn't there, i started walking away. "Stop." I knew it was him. So i walked back and sat on the bench. "Next i want you to go get me some drugs." With what money?" "Go get some, you have two days to get me some drugs." "Great." I whispered. So i started walking away. Wondering where to get money and drugs. I started home. When i got home i gabbed my wallet and checked in it. "Sixty-five dollars and eight-one cents. Not enough" I went in my parents room to take there wallets, i grabbed the money and put them back. I went to the kitchen table to count all the money. "Two-Hundred dollars and ninety cents.That should be enough." I walked around town looking for drug dealers. For about an hour or two.I finally found one, he was almost out so i bought all of them. I walked back to the spot he was there. "Here" I threw the drugs at him along with the ten dollars. "You get tomorrow off since you had two days to do this" "Thank god." I whispered to myself. So i walked back home to get some rest.I got home and fell asleep right away. About six hours later my parents barged in my room and said we got robbed. "What?" I said acting surprised. "Yeah, they stole all the money out of mine and your dad's wallet." "Yikes!" "Honey i called the Police." "OK." I went back to bed about ten minutes after that.