• "Help someone help me"! "No ones going to help you lorreta no one even knows your here so just shut your trap and finish your job"! I spat at him. "I will never work for you luie"! "Then die"! He yelled as the fangs in his mouth slowly began to pop out. "Get away from me"! I yelled as i rambed my elbow into his stomach. He let out a huff and fell to his knee's thats when I made my run but it wasn't long intel he caught me again. "Thats the fifth time you've tryed to run away this week don't count on your sixth"! "To bad"! I said elbowing him again. This time he caught my elbow and swong me around to face him. "I dont like this anymore than you, but do not forget I'm a worker to so quit throwing the punches at me okay"?! "Fine bring me to the a*****e that locked me up in here so I can kick his a** instead of your's"! "Why you little", Then I hit him in the jewels. "Warned you", I said defently making a run for it this time. I managed to make my way into a local bar where everybody was drunk. "Great I can't get some help from these a*****e's"! "Excuse me"? A man said standing next to me. I looked over to see that he was pail,tall bout six foot and had eye's the color of blood. "What"! I barked back at him. It was a little rude but he was a vampire and I wasn't in the mood. "Why did you come here for help when you should know that everyone in here is drunk"? "Becaues it was the first place I could get to okay I just excaped form some ******** fang weilding vampire whitch wasn't ******** easy so if your not going to help me would you mind going away"! I could see the shock in the mans eye's. "come with me", He said talking my hand and leading me to the back.

    I'll only write more if I get could comments and I'm sorry if there's anything wrong like mispelling or punncuation.