• MoonSong glared at ShadowLord and Redd. They were sleeping calmly, though they kept a good distance away from her. That she was grateful for. She snorted at the thought of them asking to come with her. She wouldn't let them. This was her journey and hers alone. And no one else would be coming with her. ShadowLord opened one midnight black eye.
    "Get some sleep. You'll be needing it for your journey. Just as we will." he said with a slight yawn.
    MoonSong narrowed her icy blue eyes. "And what makes you think I'll be letting you come along?" she questioned imperiously, much like she did when she was arguing with LoveArrow. ShadowLord sat up. As did Redd.
    Lovely, the Wingless One is awake too. the wolf princess thought sarcastically. Wingless One was the nickname she had given Redd. ShadowLord fixed her with a calm gaze.
    "You're on your own. You should at least have someone accompany you. Especially since you're a female. A female shouldn't be traveling on her own." Redd told her, his gold eyes glowing like fire in the darkness.
    MoonSong leapt to her feet and charged at him and bit him punishingly. She tackled him to the ground angrily. Her bright blue eyes were resonating with her anger at the foolish wolf's comment.
    "MALES ARE DEFINITELY STRONGER AND FASTER!!!" he yelled back at her, biting at her white and blue tinted throat. She dodged expertly.
    "BUT ON A DEGREE, A FEMALE IS MORE CLEVER AND MORE CUNNING THAN A MALE!!" the princess snarled with a wolfish grin.
    "That's enough! You are fighting stupidly!" ShadowLord cried out, pushing MoonSong off of red like a pup. Redd got up. MoonSong could have sworn that his pelt was smoking a bit. She could smell something like smoke emanating from his reddish gold coat.


    Beast King paced the Imperial Den, his mate, LoveArrow, fretting over her stepdaughter. "Where could MoonSong have gone?" the lovely wolf worried, her pink eyes saddened at MoonSong's runaway.
    Beast King shook his head. "I don't know. That's why I've called this meeting with the Warrior Band." he said dejectedly. He loved his daughter greatly, and he wanted her back here. She was his only heir and his only pup. He would never have any more for after MoonSong, for some unknown reason, he became barren.
    The king shook his head to tear his thoughts from the thought. Then he heard pawsteps. The Warrior Band was here.
    "ENTER!" he called.
    The wolves entered. First came MoonStorm, the leader of the Warrior Band. She was middle-aged and had two pups, DawnStar and DuskStar. MoonStorm was all black with white feathery wings and white chest and paws. On her left thigh was a blurry, white, circular marking that looked like a storm. And her gray eyes were kind enough to make everyone fond of her. She had been NightWing's very best friend.
    Next came ShiningPetal. Also a she-wolf, she had a soft pink coat. Her eyes were blue as the sky and her wings were white with some pastel pink streaks. A petal shape on her back was a darker shade of pink from her fur. She was quite kind to all of the wolves in the kingdom, but if she had to fight, she could be a demon. ShiningPetal was LoveArrow's cousin, as was BlossomBlizzard, who was next to enter.
    She was third in command after ShiningPetal. She was a soft rose color. Her angel like wings that possessed shining pink feathers on the ends. Vines and blossoms wrapped around her strong legs. A strange birthmark on her paw resembled a blossom in a blizzard. Her tail was longer than most wolves, but it was like a stinging whip when she fought with it. She hot pink eyes showed respect for Beast King as she walked in.
    Strange how the females are higher in the ranks than the males. Beast King thought humorously. The rest of the Warrior Band filed in. In total there were ten wolves. All the strongest and smartest fighters in his kingdom. He trusted them with his very life. And with his daughter's life as well. He cleared his throat to begin.
    "Now, as you know, my daughter has gone off on her own. I need you to find her and bring her back here. There is conflict in the kingdom and it is not safe for her to be out there." he explained to his Warrior Band. MoonStorm nodded.
    "We will search everywhere until we find Princess MoonSong." the leader said confidently. She was a mother herself, and knew how she would feel if she found her pups gone. ShiningPetal, too, knew how she would feel should her pups, BlackWing and Kyo run away from her.
    "Should anyone harm MoonSong, we shall be sure to tear them apart." ShiningPetal promised defensively.
    "Thank you." replied Beast King, deeply touched at their promises.
    "I will join in the search as well." came a voice. Beast King looked at the entrance to the Imperial Den. The middle-aged FrostHeart stood there. He was a dear friend and loyal warrior of Beast King. But he wasn't in the Warrior Band, for his relations to his horrible brother, IceHeart. FrostHeart looked up at his friend. "My brother intends to harm your daughter, dear friend. I know greatly of his cruelty. He will kill MoonSong if he can. For she is the main obstacle in his plans."
    Fear raced through Beast King. IceHeart was FrostHeart's twin brother. And he was one of the worst souls in the realm. He was evil down to the bone. The wolf was selfish and mean-spirited from childhood, and became an enemy to Beast King and FrostHeart as well. He gave a gesture for his Warrior Band to leave, they snarled at FrostHeart and left on their search for MoonSong.
    LoveArrow knew that Beast King wanted to be alone to discuss this matter with FrostHeart, and she left as well.
    Beast King stared at his friend with worry and fear. "What are your brother's plans?" he asked seriously.
    FrostHeart shook his grayish blue head grimly. His deep blue eyes were somber. "He intends to take your throne and rule the kingdom. He'll destroy the up-walkers and all other predators that vie with us for prey. And to take the Throne, he desires to kill you." he said, his face grim.
    "But there is still MoonSong." Beast King said with vain hope. FrostHeart sighed.
    "If IceHeart cannot convince your daughter to become his mate, then he will kill her and take the Throne by force."