• Jack’s and my families were ecstatic when they found out that we were getting married. They started planning out the wedding and sending out invitations. We barely lifted a finger because our families were doing everything. Then on the night before the wedding we were so nervous but had no regrets. The day of the wedding was perfect; it was a sunny, clear, and warm day. Everyone was so excited and some started crying tears of joy.
    I walked down the aisle in my father’s arm with the wedding music playing as loud as it can. Then I reached him, my true love, Jack. We said our vows and were declared husband and wife. We kissed passionately. It continued into the reception party with all our friends and family around us. We danced and ate all night.
    The next day, Jack and I went to the airport to go to … Hawaii. After the long flight, we checked into our room and went to bed, falling asleep in each other’s arms. The following morning, Jack woke up and found that Violet was missing. He found a disk on the dresser and put it into the DVD player.
    It started playing and a man, who was my abductor, appeared on the screen in a black suit. He focused the camera to me. I’m tied to a chair and gagged. The man said, “Jack, if you ever want to see your lover again, you have to do something for me. If you involve the police or anyone else in this she will die immediately. Do you understand (Pause)?” Jack just sat there with his mouth open and tears coming down his cheeks.
    The abductor continued, “Here is what you have to do. Gather fifty thousand dollars, I don’t know how or where, just get it. Put the money in a duffel bag then put the duffel bag in a black trash bag and go to the park near your hotel. Once you’re there look for the old oak tree to the far right and there is a hole near it. I want you to put the money in it and cover it with dirt and some leaves to make it look real. I want you to do this by midnight tonight or else. Then go back to your room and wait until the next day and you may see Violet again, maybe (laughs hysterically and video screen turns to static). Jack just sat there surprised, shocked, and terribly horrified.
    When Jack finally regained control over himself, he got up and followed the abductor’s instructions and withdrew fifty thousand dollars from his account in Hawaii. He went to the park and hid the money in the hole. Instead of leaving, he went to the nearest telephone and called the police. He said anonymously, “Hello, I want to inform you about a man arriving at the park near Hawaii Prince Hotel, near the old oak tree to the far right is an abductor. I don’t want you to arrest him just yet, I want you to stay hidden and follow him to find out where he goes. When you find out, have someone call Jack Johnson at the hotel nearby and tell him where he goes and he’ll meet you there. Remember to follow my instructions precisely; a woman’s life is at stake (hangs up the phone).
    Jack returned to his hotel room to wait for the police to call. Finally at 2:00 A.M., he receives a call from an officer. The officer said, “Jack, we followed the man to an abandoned warehouse near the Hallow Hotel. He appeared to be carrying a black trash bag and we have officers hidden all around the warehouse.” Jack replied, “Okay, thanks officer for the information, I’ll be there soon. Good-bye (hangs up).” Jack grabbed his gun and left for the warehouse.
    When he arrived, he hid in a bush nearby and met up with an officer. He quickly told the officer his plan and the officer agreed. Jack moved closer to a warehouse window to see inside. Meanwhile inside, the abductor untied me to let me eat. While I was eating, I looked out the window and saw Jack peering inside. I couldn’t believe my eyes but I still felt relieved that Jack was here to rescue me once again. Our eyes met and he winked at me.
    All of the sudden, Jack gets up and runs to the door. He kicks it open and shot my abductor in the leg before he can even get out his gun. He fell to the ground and couldn’t get up. Jack ran to me at the same time the cops came in to help the man and arrest him. I leaped into Jack’s arms crying. He tried to comfort me but I couldn’t stop crying hysterically. He carried me to our hotel room after we gave the police a detailed report. In our room Jack said, “Violet, I will never let anything or anyone harm you ever again.” I started crying again. Jack never let me out of his sight ever.
    The End