• June 7th, 1998

    My brother James, has been watching cartoons all day.
    Every time I went in the living room, I saw either Bugs Bunny,
    or Spongebob Squarepants. The effect drove me crazy!
    I went into Mom and Dads room, and wached the news with
    them. Thats when it happened. Thats when we were all wisked to
    an island. First, we were spinning around. Then, as quick as a wink, we landed. James, Mom, Dad, and I. When we landed on the silky sand, we all stood up and
    looked around. James instantly started crying. He said that he wanted
    to watch TV. Mom asked where we were, and Dad replied that we were
    on an island. I screamed. I asked how would we get back home 2 times,
    quickly. Luckly, Mom apperently had a telescope in her pocket, which was for "speacial things", and said that she could see our
    house. We were all overjoyed, for all we had to do was make a boat.
    Easy, huh? Wrong!! Dad ended our celebration by saying that boats
    take a LONG time to make. We were dissapointed, but we still could get
    back home. How were we whisked here? I wondered again and again how.
    Would we be able to make a boat?

    Now I'm tired and ready to sleep. Good night!! *closes diary*