• NAME: King
    GENDER: -
    DATE OF CREATION: 25th Day of the Season of Clubs, Year 1200
    AGE: 100
    RACE: Automaton
    HOMETOWN: Capital City, Empire Of Hearts
    LIKES: Order, Loyalty, Honor
    DISLIKES: Chaos, Corruption, Deceit
    ATTRIBUTES: Soul Within The Machine

    "By my blade, I will return this world to order."

    The first Automaton, a machine imbued with a soul. He once led an army of fellow robots to guard the Capital's border, but was manipulated by Hatter into bringing about the city's fall. His army was crippled afterward and he was forced into hiding within the labyrinthine expanse of the Industrial Wastes; where he hopes to repair and shore up power to eventually cut down the Empire's "false" ruler.