• wean i was yung i used to play pretend i use to makebelive that i was the prince of ice on a cold winter night with her she was the flare to the pation the one thing that kept life together so one day he asked her if he could be her girl friend and she said yes but then after all the parties they went to she decided to call it quits then sudenly the wals caved in like a avalanche of broken dreams and misurie and the life he wanted fade with the briese then he sang to himself about the good days because he has found the truth hidden in the dark in the night locked up oh way to tight the broken harts and broken drams the tears just never stop as he steped outside he relized he was all alon this could be an alution but this is what he chose to call home then one day he met her at a store and they talked things out that ilution is no more because its the truth in the dar of the night seald up way to tight and there it shall stay for atleast another day