yesterday when i went to bed i was listening to the song i listed b4 this posting and then i fell asleep and had a nightmare.. this is how it goes in the action kind of way
*walking down the street to go to gfs house, stop at a store to get roses goes over to her house and sees someones stuff outside, peeks through window and to the horror of it see's alex kissing a guy named ben, allex notices me and then i rum away and disapears (the roses turn black while they lay on floor), everything goes dak and then theres a light and it disapears and then i wake up in my bed and i look around and then i turn one way and then the other and alex is there but then i blink and relize its my imagination...*
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My Awsome Journal ;p
gah uhhhhhh ummmm is for when i get bored and want to right about something? eh
Me & Alex= <3
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