Well, obviously links don't work in journals so I'll just copy/paste everything i wrote about the RP here.
Why to Fall
Tasuki is new to town, and like many new guys, he has a secret. He's a fallen angel. Along with three others, he ran from heaven in search of a new life style, his desision ultimatly making him a fugitive. Three days on earth and he makes a mistake, someone sees him, wings out! His neighbor finds Tasuki "sunbathing" on the rooftop of their apartment building. The neighbor(whoever plays the character will choose the name), soon learns about the other angels, and soon after that, becomes an object of their affection, all four of them! With a reward on their heads, can these four angels learn to live on earth, and can the humans keep their secret?
I am Tasuki. All other characters, including the three angels and humans are up to you, (description, personality etc.) P.s. Iwould like for the angels to be seme but still up to you. I know I've only mentioned one human but more may join.
Please fill this out and send it to me so i may add it to the character sheets:
Username: Name of character: Angel/Human?: If human- Age: Gender: Personality: If angel- Personality: Gender: (angels have no age)
Descriptions can be made in the first entry.
Note:No one is imortal, angels only have supernatural abilities but can still die.
Angels are telepathic and can control physical body funtions to a point. They cannot make anyone kill anyone!
As with any other Gaia RP this is rated PG-13, if you break this rule, you will be dealing with a very unhappy person.
>No cybering >Please no chatspeak >Keep it clean! (keep the graphics on violence to a min. and as little profanity as possible) >Take turns, if its someones turn, wait for them to reply, if its yours and you dont want to be in the rp anymore, tell me so we may kill off your character or leave it for someone else to pick up.
You can find this rp in barton town forums.
Haku-sensei · Sun May 20, 2007 @ 11:34am · 0 Comments |