Well, I have to say my expectations of this vacation have not been met. I did have my friend Jade spend the night. She and I stayed up playing videogames, watching Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman (which you'll hear of later), and overall just hanging out. I finally get some working hours in, meaning more money for me. I have some poetry in the works, though I've yet to commit a single thing to paper or computer. In humor, my sister (she's 6) got her butt stuck in the toilet, and I had to work to pull her out. I have know idea how she managed to wedge herself in the seat, but she did. Now, the reason for my so aptly titled entry...
We had a pretty bad storm on Thursday of last week. I was awoken by the sound of a massive branch crashing into my side of the house, above my room to be exact. Well, no one thought anything of it, and we went about our lives, oblivious to the ill-placed, tennis ball sized hole in my roof.
Well, last night it stormed again. I'd been sleeping for about an hour when all of a sudden I was soaking wet. I got of bed, only to find it was raining inside my bedroom. The ceiling fan of all things was deposting the rain onto my now nicely soaked bed. I got the bucket from the garage and set it up to catch the water. I striped my bed, and alerted mum, who called dad, who came home in another hour or so.
So I am, camped on a couch I dont fit on, when rain is coming down within my room. Within the hour it filled the bucket, which I had to empty quickly. Then more stared to filter through, and I had to employ popcorn buckets to catch it. Finally dad came home, and we went into the attic. Lo and behold, my ceiling was starting to collapse. I took my sketch books out so they wouldnt get damaged, then proceeded to move my stuff to the other side of my room.
You see, I must be overly complex--only half my ceiling gets to fall in.
Well, we mopped it up as best we could, called the insurance company, and I spent a night on the couch. Well, after 3 hours of sleep, bringing us to a few minutes before I began this entry, I went to see the condition of my ceiling. It's now a good span below the other half of it.
Well, there you have it. While this will make a wonderful comic sketch when I get around to it, Jani is not a happy cupcake. Seeing as I do not know when the people will come to fix it, nor how long it will take, I've to move into the living room. Oh, the stories they will hear at school. Joy, ne?
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