Puddle jumping? YEAH BABE-AY!
xd Today at school we had a Social Studies Jeopardy tournament to study for our final exams tomrrow crying My team came in second in our room but we didnt get first so we couldnt go on to final jeopardy. That's ok though, I was getting bored.... xd Annnnyway afterwards I went outside with my girls and we jumped in puddles for a while!! Oh baby!!! It was so much fun and we got soaked biggrin A couple girls walked by us and said "Wow I did that when I was five" so me and Lindsay yelled "YEAH WELL MAYBE WE ARE FIVE, AT LEAST WE KNOW THE CAPITAL OF OUR OWN STATE!!" That last part was because this girl, Nicole, got the capital of New York wrong.... she put Washington DC. What an idiot, I hate preps. evil To update on the whole dad thing, he and my stepmom are now getting divorced. My mom is pissed off more than ever at my dad cus she heard what happened. But on the plus side, next year I get to go live with my mom and maybe for the first time in forever (or so it seems) I'll be happy. wink 3nodding Yup, I almost garuntee it. xd
Btw........ here's my dream avie:
 Total Value: 50,607 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Celebrity Date Damascus Armor Drop Dead Gorgeous Midnight Gown Lunar Scythe Shadow Spirit Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin