inuyashasbud= Indulge [In Words]
Moroi_yume= Teh K a a C h a n
Alliekat_Moody= No Gaia! Account that we know of.
Session Start (moroi_yume:alliekat_moody-1181870671): Thu Jun 14 18:32:23 2007
[18:32] moroi_yume: no thanks
[18:32] alliekat_moody: ...
[18:32] inuyashasbud: D:
[18:32] inuyashasbud: T.T
[18:32] moroi_yume: xD
[18:32] alliekat_moody: but you join
[18:32] alliekat_moody: ed
[18:32] inuyashasbud: *burst into tears*
[18:32] moroi_yume: no I didn't
[18:32] moroi_yume: This is her twn
[18:33] moroi_yume: Twin
[18:33] inuyashasbud: GINA DOESN'T WANT US ANYMORE! D':
[18:33] moroi_yume: >> << Kara
[18:33] alliekat_moody: ....hi, Gina's twin... I shall take a picture of our conversation cuz I'm bored
[18:33] moroi_yume: O.o.... why?
[18:33] inuyashasbud: D': BRING US GINA, J00 IMPOSTER~ D<
[18:33] moroi_yume: -falls over laughing-
[18:34] alliekat_moody: really got Sly's messege -delete's picture now-
[18:34] inuyashasbud: D'<
[18:34] alliekat_moody: did someone die?
[18:34] inuyashasbud: *sniffles* I waannnttt GGGiiinnnnaaaa...
[18:35] moroi_yume: I'm right hhhheeeerrrrreeeeee -laughs-
[18:35] inuyashasbud: O:
[18:35] inuyashasbud: O:
[18:35] inuyashasbud: O:
[18:35] inuyashasbud: J00!!! *leaping cuddle!* >.< I <3 j00~~
[18:35] moroi_yume: brb, dinner
[18:36] inuyashasbud: DDDD:
[18:36] alliekat_moody: lmao someone's hyper
[18:36] inuyashasbud: T.T I shall wait on baited breathe~ *holds breath*
[18:36] alliekat_moody: oh so that's what baited breathe meant
[18:37] alliekat_moody: -shakes choo by the shoulders- I'M BORED
[18:37] inuyashasbud: O: Sowwy.
[18:37] alliekat_moody: -sniffles- and that darned PotO is stuck in my mind..... Phantom of the Opera
[18:38] inuyashasbud: PRINCE OF TEENNIIIISSSSS!!!! >.<
[18:38] alliekat_moody: ...there's an O at the end smartness ....'lo....
[18:45] inuyashasbud: Smartness-o? O:
[18:46] alliekat_moody: ...there's an O at the end, smartness. I'm calling you smartness...
[18:46] alliekat_moody: PotO
[18:47] inuyashasbud: ..... YAY! I'm is Smart. :3
[18:47] alliekat_moody: -hits forehead with hand-
[18:47] inuyashasbud: *dances*
[18:48] alliekat_moody: -hums The Ultimate Showdown of the Ultimate Destiny-
[18:48] inuyashasbud: *PONDERS THE FATE OF THE WORLD*
[18:49] moroi_yume: CHEESE MONKIES
[18:49] inuyashasbud: WUHAHHAA.... I FEEL LIKE USING CAPS LOCKS~ >D
[18:49] moroi_yume: -stweatdrops-
[18:49] alliekat_moody:
[18:51] inuyashasbud: Doom? BANG BANG! j00r dead?
[18:51] moroi_yume: Doo Doom Doom?
[18:51] alliekat_moody: I'm dead
[18:51] moroi_yume: yay
[18:52] alliekat_moody: Why, when he was a young worthog
[18:52] moroi_yume: huh?
[18:52] alliekat_moody: warthog*
[18:52] moroi_yume: -no clue-
[18:53] alliekat_moody: when I was a young warthog!
[18:53] inuyashasbud: D: I NO PIG! D:
[18:53] alliekat_moody: ...It means no worries for the rest of your days
[18:53] moroi_yume: right
[18:53] alliekat_moody: ...are you a he...
[18:53] moroi_yume: ...... quite possibly...?
[18:54] alliekat_moody: ... I'm bored to death seriously
[18:54] inuyashasbud: HYPER! >DDD
[18:54] moroi_yume: YYYYAAAAAAYYYYY
[18:54] inuyashasbud: >>>D DDD< I EAT j00r BABEHS!
[18:55] moroi_yume: >>.....
[18:56] inuyashasbud: They yum. I aren't literate no more. D':
[18:56] alliekat_moody: so your Esmeralda Cansino?
[18:56] moroi_yume: YAY NO LITERATE!
[18:56] inuyashasbud: no and yes and nu.
[18:56] alliekat_moody: ....
[18:58] moroi_yume: Nu and yeh aand noo and yees~
[18:58] inuyashasbud: W00t! I am no fish stik, j00 mindluss frad! >D
[18:58] moroi_yume: xD
[18:58] alliekat_moody: Granger. Eat. The. ********. Food.”
[18:59] inuyashasbud: NNNUU! THIS GRANGER SAYS NU NU TO J00R NUN F00DIES! >D
[19:00] alliekat_moody: -stifles laughter- Draco's reading the Princess Diaires series
[19:01] inuyashasbud: Drakey-poo~ <3
[19:02] alliekat_moody: -gasp- DRACO! WATCH YOUR MOUTH! HERMIONE LIKES YOU!
[19:02] moroi_yume: ......................
[19:03] alliekat_moody: -gasp- no teaser?!?!?!?
[19:03] inuyashasbud: NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! D: NO!! NUUUUU! nnuuuuu!
[19:03] moroi_yume: nou?
[19:03] inuyashasbud: NNUUUU! NUUU NNNNNu!
[19:03] moroi_yume: nobu! <3
[19:03] inuyashasbud: NNOOUUUU!!!! NOBU! <3
[19:04] alliekat_moody: So anyway, I’m not going to give you a teaser, but I’ll give you a low-down on what’s left to resolve before this fic can end. Fair? The whole Ron/Lavender/Parvati triangle. No boy gets away with cheating. End of story. Remember Hermione’s urge to fix up the Shrieking Shack? I have to tie that up somehow. Draco did promise himself he’d play guitar again. That should be fun. Hermione’s little plan to get Draco back. I’m playing with the idea of whether Hermione should tell Harry and Ron about her little tryst thing with Cedric. Christine and Neville? Hermione can sing. Yeah, I’m making things fairly obvious. Ron/Draco fighting. Hermione needs to get laid. Hahahaha, just kidding. Except not really. Maybe the epilogue…
[19:04] alliekat_moody: Hermione needs to get laid -snickers-
[19:04] inuyashasbud: DRACO! NNNUUUUU!
[19:04] moroi_yume: ...............................
[19:05] inuyashasbud: >D Drarry ISH YOUR MUM'S STOCKING'S HOLE'S AWESOME THINGY~ >D
[19:06] alliekat_moody: ok then
[19:06] inuyashasbud: And >>.... Two hot heads belong together= Ron/Hermione.
[19:06] alliekat_moody: in the books... in fanfiction=Draco/Hermione
[19:07] inuyashasbud: D: nu! Draco/Harry...........!
[19:07] moroi_yume: >>... -gag-
[19:08] inuyashasbud: Draco is the gayest character ever..... after Seamus. :3
[19:08] moroi_yume: pppfffftttt -cracks up-
[19:08] alliekat_moody: oh yeah Draco/Harry -gasp- Seamus/dean -giggles- but Draco is sooo bi
[19:08] alliekat_moody: not gay bi
[19:08] inuyashasbud: XD NU WAY! No Bi guy's hair is that shiny~
[19:08] moroi_yume: pppppffffff....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[19:09] inuyashasbud: >D
[19:09] alliekat_moody: I said Butterfour... and it was Twenty four
[19:09] moroi_yume: butterfour Draco nd Harry?
[19:09] moroi_yume: WAIT CRUD NO
[19:09] moroi_yume: -dies laughing-
[19:10] alliekat_moody: no I was singing...
[19:10] inuyashasbud: WAHHAHAAA! DRARRY >D
[19:11] alliekat_moody: O.O Harry/Pansy
[19:11] inuyashasbud: D: *dies*
[19:12] moroi_yume: eh euh
[19:12] inuyashasbud: Pansy/ Old guy from the other hemisphere
[19:12] moroi_yume: xD
[19:12] inuyashasbud: >D
[19:12] alliekat_moody: -nods- yup
[19:12] inuyashasbud: Yup, yup~
[19:12] alliekat_moody: Pansy/some other whore
[19:12] moroi_yume: I wanna swim
[19:12] alliekat_moody: I want it to snow
[19:12] inuyashasbud: Voldy-wart/ a toad
[19:12] alliekat_moody: it's 90 somethin' though
[19:12] moroi_yume: kookoocachoo -laughs-
[19:13] alliekat_moody: are you watching Cars? -giggles- I want Draco
[19:13] moroi_yume: what is that from....? Nemo?
[19:14] alliekat_moody: Nemo
[19:14] inuyashasbud: D< Why not?
[19:14] alliekat_moody: I was thinking Lightning McQueen's thing
[19:14] moroi_yume: I don't remember.... NO!
[19:15] alliekat_moody: it's the turtles thing
[19:15] moroi_yume: His thing wasn't Kookoocachoo!
[19:15] moroi_yume: >D D<
[19:15] inuyashasbud: O: >D
[19:15] moroi_yume: D<
[19:15] alliekat_moody: o.o
[19:15] inuyashasbud: D<
[19:15] moroi_yume: You're thinking of Kachow! D<
[19:15] inuyashasbud: LUFFLES j00, Na-channn~ *cuddles*
[19:16] alliekat_moody: FINE! -crosses arms- don't love meh
[19:17] inuyashasbud: >>.... I luv j00, too? *hug* :3
[19:17] alliekat_moody: -hug-
[19:17] inuyashasbud: YAAYY! A secksii threesome. >D
[19:17] inuyashasbud: >>.... j/k! <3
[19:17] moroi_yume: my avvie needs shoes. D:
[19:18] alliekat_moody: -giggles girlie-like- I had a wicked dream about Jesse McCartney in it last night
[19:18] moroi_yume: ..............................
[19:18] inuyashasbud: Wet dream ftw? O:
[19:18] alliekat_moody: NOOO
[19:18] inuyashasbud: secksii~~ o.<
[19:19] alliekat_moody: goddess no! he was just in it...
[19:19] moroi_yume: >.>....
[19:20] inuyashasbud: rriiiggghhhttt..... 'Kaa-chan~ Our babeh ish growing up! :'D
[19:20] moroi_yume: ........................... ok?
[19:20] alliekat_moody: though...I was cut in half again...-grumbles-
[19:20] inuyashasbud: O:
[19:21] alliekat_moody: in my dream...
[19:21] inuyashasbud: ONCE-! I was at *insert a certain <3'ed band here* concert and I fell from the bleachers and died.... when I woke up, I as falling from my bunk bed and got a burise on my backbone. O:
[19:22] alliekat_moody: MCR?
[19:22] inuyashasbud: O:
[19:22] inuyashasbud: I DIDN'T SAY IT! SHE DID! D<
[19:22] moroi_yume: owwies
[19:22] alliekat_moody: lol
[19:22] inuyashasbud: Hai~ T.T
[19:27] alliekat_moody: >< -cracks up-
[19:27] inuyashasbud: *reading TRC* <3
[19:28] alliekat_moody: me and my friend, tyler, are talking about daniel radcliffe's nakey play
[19:28] inuyashasbud: ooohhh secksii~ O:
[19:29] moroi_yume: ......... the one who was asking about me....? -twitch-
[19:29] alliekat_moody: yup
[19:29] moroi_yume: -twitch-
[19:29] alliekat_moody: he says your funny
[19:30] moroi_yume: -twitch-0 I say he's weird.
[19:30] inuyashasbud: He's the one from AIM? O:
[19:30] alliekat_moody: no
[19:30] inuyashasbud: Aw screwy.
[19:31] alliekat_moody: that's brandom, amanda's bf
[19:31] moroi_yume: xD
[19:31] inuyashasbud: OoOOHHH. weird.
[19:32] alliekat_moody: ...
[19:32] inuyashasbud: <3
[19:32] alliekat_moody: -gasps loud-
[19:33] moroi_yume: ??
[19:33] inuyashasbud: TRC ISH SECKSII? I KNOW~! <3
[19:33] alliekat_moody: no lol
[19:33] inuyashasbud: YES IT IST >D
[19:33] moroi_yume: >.>
[19:35] inuyashasbud: IT ISH!
[19:39] moroi_yume: D: Bottom paged
[19:39] inuyashasbud: D:
[19:40] alliekat_moody: ??
[19:40] moroi_yume: we're on Gaia
[19:41] inuyashasbud: GAIA! >D
[19:41] alliekat_moody: I'm still on th fone
[19:41] inuyashasbud: me too~ >>....<<...
[19:42] alliekat_moody: lol
[19:47] moroi_yume: MONKEY -giggles-
[19:47] inuyashasbud: D: SHH! I'm reading! D<
[19:48] alliekat_moody: O.O
[19:48] moroi_yume: >3
[19:48] alliekat_moody: shh I'm reading? god,sum1 help me
[19:50] inuyashasbud: SSSH!
[19:51] alliekat_moody: ...GRRRR
[19:51] inuyashasbud: SH!
[19:52] *** alliekat_moody has left the chat.
[20:00] *** inuyashasbud has left the chat.
Session Close (alliekat_moody-1181870671): Thu Jun 14 20:04:16 2007
Good times, Good timess~
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