I hate thinking. Like thinking hard. For some reason I'll get really sad and start thinking, or won't think at all and become a lifeless vegetable. Yesterday, or the day before, I'm really not sure which, I got into one of those moods and listened to DCFC and just wrote down lyrics and stuff. I was tempted to write a story but then I just didn't because I hate reading what I wrote...
Anyway, thinking, some days I'll just ponder things. And sometimes they're deep, and it just pisses me off when people give stupid answers. Example, one day I was on a color funk. "What's the point of color?" Well honestly, after thinking for hours on end, there is no point. But people when I asked them would give me answers such as "To keep us happy!" but if there was no color, and had never been color, we wouldn't need it to make us happy would we? Point two, does color actually make us happy? Shouldn't happieness be filled by things like a nice day, and spending time with those you love? Color blind people aren't depressed. Maybe that's because they don't know what they are missing, but still.
Funk # 2 of recent, this one is scary. the universe. I'm not sure if people can actually digest this, but it never stops. Like, it's wow. My head hurts just thinking about it. I can't even type my thoughts on this one. Funk #3 goes in hand with funk 2, death. I am not religious in anyway, and if you are and happen to read this I mean you no offence, but when you die it just stops. It makes me sick of thinking about that. Again I can't convay my thoughts through text.
Another funk that I have put a lot of thought into is money. I have spent countless hours thinking about money. And the simple fact is, you can't live without it. That's a duh, but I mean as a world, or even a country, no money would be impossible. As a generalization, people are greedy and power hungry to some extent. Someone will always want more. Even from the earliest civilizations there has always been some form of trade or currency.
My friend also got me thinking on material objects. I have rather a lot of material objects, so I won't talk to long for fear of being a hypacrite, but in all honesty I could live without most of mine. Still, there are all these people, trying to keep up with the lastest games and electronics, which is impossible. Technology will keep updating, no matter how much you buy. And all they greedy children. BRATS. Horrible people, they get mad when their parents do things like take away their laptop, but hey kids, THEY BOUGHT IT. I can sya that without feeling guilty because I used my wages from work to buy my laptop. But these kids just don't get it. They need to go out and work. They just don't get what their parents are doing. Providing a household to live in, which, in a lot of cases, includes food, electricity, internet access, heat, a bed to sleep in ect. I have been very grateful, I live in a lower class home usually, but when I got to my dad's there's all the luxries. It's almost scary. And almost all of my friends are rich because I go to a private school, and we didn't have enough money to pay the hot water bill last month.
There's just all these stupid things in the world. My current funk is the major one, body image. I am in process of typing this one in a word document, and I'll probably post it sometime next week. I won't even boher for being sory for you reading this because it really is your time, and your choice. I'm just in a bleh mood, and this has, surprizingly, made me feel loads better. And I really didn' mean to make this this long anyway... sweatdrop And sorry for the spelling and grammer mistakes
PS I'm sorry for what I said about your relationship in the past entry, I had no right and it was out of line.
Razi Mysteria · Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:46am · 1 Comments |