Sakura's B-Day Wishlist
In Real Life:
Nintendo 64 Game: Hey You, Pikachu!
I have wanted this game since it came out about seven years ago. ;-; I love Pikachu, who is my favorite pokemon of ALL TIME AND FOREVER. It is just so addorably cute. Anyway, when I asked my mom if I could get this when I was 13-14, when it came out, my mom told me video games were for boys, and I shouldn't be playing them. ;-; I <3 Video Games.
Harry Potter Book 7
'Nuff said.
On Gaia
Anything on my wish list.
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A tiny feather of love~[/color:5f50094384][/size:5f50094384]
A tiny feather of love~[/color:5f50094384][/size:5f50094384]
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