Zen_Gentleman_Lifeguard - Yes everyone works their minds off. We can take breaks anytime we want...you guys don't want to recieve an angry PM from a Moderator do you? xd I've sent out angry PMs before because my stress level went over board.
Editor - Don't worry I won't burn out!
Usaku - Mmmm..cookies and kitties.
sephirothgal - I hope Niffleheim comes out @_@ on Hallow's eve.
Liandrin - Yeah we do do a lot. @_@ Take good care of the Guild XD
For those who haven't seen it yet...lol. Take a peak at darknrgy's current avatar right now. That is a peaky....Also read the latest Gaia Times Newspaper.

darknrgy's current Avatar
Community Member
EDIT: Yay, I got the first comment! ^_^