I gave him the O.o look. he didn't seem to notice, and just went on packing.
" Are you sure?" was all i could say.
As i put on my scarf and cloak, and slung my bag over my shoulder, he tightened his sword strap and aranged his chest plate. I was almost happy for his protection, but embarresed to seem so helpless to him.
I thanked his mother many times as she went to the cuboard and got some cooking supplies for us. "I'm just sorry that i couldn't do more to help. Oh, Jacob, don't forget to get a few flint stones out."
After saying our goodbyes, we set out. At first, he walked far ahead of me, and we never spoke a word. So full of mystery... he was so nice just the other day... was it something i said?
At sundown, we set up camp.While he was out for firewood, i got out the onigiri that Jacob's mother had packed.Not long after,we had rice in our bellies and fire at our fingertips. It was easy to fall asleep.
Rustle Rustle! There was something in the bushes! did Jacob hear it too? no, he was still asleep. I tiptoed over and seperated them. To my suprise, I little glowing farie creature was staring up at me!
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Current Story: Surprises (Aka: Lacey's Story)
Sorry for my supa short entries, I get writers block super fast, and I have a REALLY busy schedule right now. Please, please, please comment!!! And enjoy!
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Sora x Kairi - My twisted reality
I have a secret I'm afraid to tell. . .
. . . because I won't lose you as well.