Erf. MY LIFE IS A CRAZY SWERLING HELL RIGHT NOW. erg...alright lets see...I finished my english project on "Lonesome Dove" and presented that info the other day, got a hundred on it. I took my college placement exam the other day. I think i did well on it, however i won't know for sure untill I meet with a rep from the college. I went to my first real job interview tuesday the 24th. Erg...that went so well that i went out after and got 3 more job applications to other stores xp . feild trip for bio went good. My project is pretty much done the title of it is "Dam it" and its a project on beavers...i don't know if im going to get a good grade on it however i put a ton of effort into this project and I realy think I deserve a hundred. So tired...erfies...gotta pick up kermie from work at midnight thirty tonight. Today I went with the lil girl and boy I babysit to Clares so the lil girl could get her one ear re-peirced her dad said stuff like "your going to grow up all lop sided if you don't get your other ear peiced" and "if you don't get this done the doctor will have to operate on your ear". I felt like s**t cuz i lied to her to make her dad not seem like a liar. She freaked unlike the first time she got em peirced. This time the dad had me help hold her down...kinda freakey as heck. Lets see for homework this weekend I have an english essay to type...Ive got all the info and stuff I just need to plain and simple type it out, I need to also look up some info about some dude which I already did, I have to write up note cards for bio and finish a bio lab. Comming up I was invited to a senior banquet where awards would be given out which leads me to suspect and slightly hope that like the four-hundred and fifty two scholarship applications might have gotten me something money wise. The only ones I might have a chance at are the Dollars for scholars and my EBE has a of the other random ones I sighned up for may have gotten me something...I would be so great if I got one that would cover the price of my college. It would be such a releif to me if i didn't have to pay for would take the stress off tring to find a job and tring to juggle everything else. I have some money in a bank account which would get me through a semester or two, however its not enough for much more. I want to get some money built up in an account so I can pay for it by myself and I don't have to rely on leeaching off my parents for the rest of my life. Erf i g2g!
~Miss. Piggy~
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Amaya_marie_LeTant's Journal
My names *Miss. Piggy I want to write about my thoughts my life, my issues.
I want to show what im like...what i think of....a way to release my emotions
*name has been changed as a result of personal prefrence
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