Ranting. DX
Well, I need a rant space right now, and my journal seems the perfect place.
As you probably don't know, I'm in a magnet program at my school. This leads to people taking it too seriously, and holding it up to too high of standards. My science teacher for example.
Just today, she decided that anyone who didn't turn in some poster today was going to get unsatisfactory reports sent home, (which my parents will inevitably kill me for), AND send them to the Magnet Office for possible expulsion from the magnet program and the school, (which my parents will burn my corpse, bring me back to life, and kill me again over) because of a poster. Not because of grades, not because of citizenship, but a poster. A single poster. I even have an A- in the class! (well, probably more of an A or a B+, but it's still good! scream ) Now, on a scale of 1-10, how unfair, overexpecting, and overall bad is this?
15 ( scream ) out of 10.
So yeah. That's my rant. Thanks for reading it.
EDIT:: Note to self. No more ranting. >.>;
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