So I'm sitting here.. drinking pepsi.. eating seafood.. and I've decided I'm going to update this thing, like I was planning on doing..a few days ago..
So. yeah. i don't remember if i mentioned getting in a theatre my last entry, but. yeah. i got in. BUT. come first rehearsal.. we all come to find out that the dude never got the play approved by administration. So that meant he had to change the play! So instead of practicing, he auditioned us.. just the people that got in, for the new one.. problem is.. old one had a cast of 29, new one has a cast of SIX. he did two casts though, one white and one african american [theyre all family, so uh, yeah..]. but i could only get into one, so.. anyway. yeah. i didnt get into that one. so.. yeah. no play for Halo.
Now I KNOW I mentioned my grandma getting sick in the last entry. here's an update on that. Thursday around 6:30 pm EST, we got a phone call from the police. Evidently, my grandma had been calling the police all day trying to get them to get rid of her...friends. [She was on morphine, so she was hallucinating. OKAY. she had a bunch of girls showering together, some dude standing by her microwave, a kid laughing at her, and a lady, her husband, and their baby... and then all of a sudden one of the girls wants to marry her or something...] They finally got sick of it and called us, about half an hour after my mom and brother got back from bein gthere. so we rushed over..and we took over.. finally my mom called my aunt [they all have the power of atourney(spiknowstfu) split up between them, so anyway] and she came down about an hour later.. my mom and brother went to get food about 10 cause we hadnt eaten.. and while they were gone my grandma's laughing friend came back. she kept telling me not too get to close, and that he was looking at me. o.o; anywayfastforward. my aunt got there and said she had three options, none of them having her stay there. [she was a mess. she was sick beyond belief, had trouble breathing, and couldnt even sit up straight] eventually, after she kept saying 'no im staying here, yada yada, im not going to the hospital', my mom and me just got her shoes and socks, put them on her, and we headed out to my aunt's truck and they took her to the hospital. my brother said she stopped breathing for like 20 seconds in the truck.. ANYWAY.. yeah, she's extremely sick. she's in the hospital since midnight that night, so yeah.. there's that update.
[this salmon is really good]
and. since he was the only one to comment my last entry, he gets a shoutout. D:
I MISS TEH J00b TOO, BEL. DDDDDDD: <3333333 heart
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