auron~so where do i lay ann?s he's asleep again
zabuza~on the bed is fine. want her up then just drop her
auron laid ann on the bed then laid down beside her
auron~she'll be up after a few hours right?
zabuza~yeah she will
auron nodded
zabyza~any other reason why you came?
auron~bring ann with me across the ocean
zabuza~to that one place you went to while ane was pregnant?
auron~hey i already said that i was sorry
haku went over and sat next to zabuza on the couch
zabuza~how long will it be?
auron~atleast half a year. but we will be getting side tracked at times
zabuza~like riding overly huge yellow birds?
auron~yeah why?
haku~do they have names?
haku nodded
zabuza~what about training?
auron~she'll get alot of training as we travel. see that wall outside?
zabuza and haku looked then nodded. auron turned around slightly and waved his arm. out of no where a thunder bolt hit the wall he pointed at
zabuza~she's gonna learn know that she could use that against me right?!
auron~she won't *yawn* you won't mind if you could keep it down if you plan on going upstairs right?
haku blushed alittle
zabuza~whatver...don't call if you need anything
auron~whatever to you
ann~mmm....zabi? dad even?
auron~yeah ann? it's me. zabuza and haku are upstairs
ann shuddered a little
ann~no...*yawn* hungry though...
auron~come on, i should still be able to cook
ann~what do you mean should?! i don't want to eat anything burnt!
auron~hey i only left the world for two years after i finished my two part mission
ann~ok...but explain how it's two part and how you got kia'd
ann~and you left mom before you knew she was pregnant with me?!
auron~stupid i know but i still got you right?
he kissed her but stayed close to her ear
auron~like to go with me though?
ann~go where...?
auron~spira, where i went to
ann~d-do i have to?
auron~you dont' but i'd like for you to come. it'd be like a vacation
ann~do i have to decide right now?
auron~of course not. i won't pressure you. just wanted you to know
ann~ok but are there any catches?
auron~just a few. no jutsus can be used and chakra control
ann~ok then
auron~oh yeah and swearing
ann~swearing?! why no?!
auron~they're very spiritual, hardly swears and almost always pray all day
ann~anything else?
auron~you do decide to go i'll show you it
ann nodded and sighed
auorn~sure it's a little upsetting but just wait till we train
ann perked up
ann~training? i thought they were spiritual
auron~but i never said they were peace makers
ann giggled and wrapped her arms around him
auorn~hehe enjoy yourself
ann~after i talk to the others about it, i'll tell you
auron nodded and kissed her
View User's Journal
annaliesalayoshi and zabuza momochi
i'm a super fananic of naruto. i even made my own naruto character, annaliesalayoshi (or ann), and i made her zabuza's niece (that is if he ever had one). later in the story i mix it with final fantasyX
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