I've decided to post my rp-profiles here, to make them easier to remember. I use the same name (Tobi Nakamura) almost every time, but my characters use to differ, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little razz So here's the first one, I'll add the other ones here too as soon as I feel up to it biggrin
I'll write the rps name above every one.
Gaia name: Sakawatchi
Character name: Tobi Nakamura
Gender: Male
Bio: Lived with his relatives all his life since his parents died in a car crash going home from the hospital with him. He has a big inheritance, but rather worked to earn his keep. He's done a lot of "odd" jobs, and are currently trying to get away form his family.
Personality: He can be happy one day and sad the next. Likes to think, besserwisser sometimes, joking, sneaky.
How you got there: Was croupier on a cruiser that sank.
Apperence: http://images.blogskins.com/skin_images/830/89/images/weird.jpg
Extra information: Likes to swallow cherrys whole. He's also been a picketpicket, so he can steal things sometimes but always puts them back.
Pets: A Falcon
Likes: Cherrys, music, relaxing, the nature
Dislikes: Lying, stupid people, his relatives, threats
You broke your: Left wrist
Dorm: 9
Gaia Name: Sakawatchi
Name: Tobi Nakamura
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Gender: Male
Crush: N/A
Bio: Hr's always been very lazy and got left out by the other kids because of that. He really didn't care, but sometimes he still feels like he would like someone to talk to. He used to sneak off and sleep outside sometimes, and this made his parents lock him up in his room for days so he wouldn sneak off. The day he became 18 he moved away from home and got his own apartment. Now he earns his own money and has no contact with his parents.
Personality: Lazy, thoughtful, kind, dreamy, hard-working, stubborn. Love birds, espescially falcons.
Other: He has always been alone and doesn't really mind, but sometimes he feels alone and would like someone to be with, someone who would like him the way he is.
Thought of as a: dork
Allias name: N/A
Apperence: http://usera.imagecave.com/andysanime/random%209.jpg
View User's Journal
Sometimes I´m weird, sometimes I´m even more weird. See what I am today? (Don´t xcpect me to write in my journal everyday)
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As I'm walking this road
I am gazing abroad
Though all that I see
Means nothing for me
'Cause I got stung by a bee
I am gazing abroad
Though all that I see
Means nothing for me
'Cause I got stung by a bee