Sometimes true love lasts a lifetime, sometimes only for a fleeting moment, but the power that, that time between two eternal lovers holds, will be an everlasting memory both of them will share for the rest of their lives.
There are stories, poems, songs... even statues made to capture the alluring essence of love, but none come within a mile of love's true meaning. Love cannot be captured by anything but a heart, whether it be open or closed, it can only be a heart. It's only something to be felt, a soft whisper can be louder and more wrenching then the loudest, booming shout.
Love is in everything; a gentle breeze, the sun's warmth, a child's laugh, and a lover's touch. A flimsy, fickle feeling that cannot be the foundation of the perfect relationship, no matter how true the love is, yet so strong it can bring down dynasties and start wars.
What a powerful emotion that leads men to battle for their true love, and makes women wait for them, perhaps until death, even. How can a feeling be so strong but so soft, can lead to a lifetime of eternal sorrow or to the perfect ending? What makes people fight to catch a glimpse of it and never see it again, and others to run in fear?
Science defines love as a chemical reaction in the brain, mixed with all the senses, a few pheromones, and a ton of hormones. But how can science explain when one heart beats so in tune with another, that their very souls intertwine and space and time are no longer a divider.
Love teaches even the hardest, closed hearts that it's okay to feel deeply and trust ardently, and shows the most open of hearts how to guard against the undeserving.
Whether true love comes by chance or design of someone higher or fate, it is everything and nothing. A great force and a soft whisper, the conqueror and the forever conquered.
Someone once said, "it is far better to love and lose, then to never have loved at all."
I've always believed, that if someone of sound mind and some intelligence said it first, they probably said it right.