100 Truths
1. real name: Kristine Marie Waldroop (*laughs*)
2. Nickname: Kristie, Krispy..
3. single or taken: taken..
4. zodiac sign: Leo..
5. male or female: Female
6. elementary: Sumpter
7. middle: Judson
8. high: off cheeze nips(jk) Sprague
9. eye color: Blue
10. hair color: brown..
11. long or short: short
15. are you health freak: heh.....no
16. height: 5'5
17. do you have a crush on someone: pssh...yea..
18. do you like yourself: yes. for now..
19. piercings you've had: Ear(s)
20. tattoos: NOPE!
21. righty or lefty: ambedextrous..
22. first surgery: On my foot...yes, my foot. And you'll never guess what for...wait for it.....for..a....SLIVER! YES!
I bet you would've never guessed...
23.first piercing: ears...but havent we already established that i have pierced ears?
25. first award: 5th grade. D.A.R.E., writing essay. Yes.
26. first sport: P.E.
27. first pet: NOSER!!!! *wails*
28. first vacation: Jack Creek
29. first concert: Judson Band concert
30. first crush: An idiot who hit me in the head with a soccer ball in the 6th grade. Michael...*stabs*
49. eating: spit
50. drinking: uh...spit
52. i'm about to: respond to a PM
53. listening to: Katie typing...
55. waiting for: Katie to shut up
58. want kids: uh...currently? HOW’D YOU KNOW I WAS PREGNANT!?! *gasp* haha...just kidding..
59. want to get married? Yes. But NOT NOW, DANGIT!
60. want a big house? Not as big as the house i live in now...
68. lips or eyes? eyes..so entrancing...*drools*
69. hugs or kisses? Both. ^^
70. shorter or taller? either is good. ^^
71. intelligence or attraction? both is awesome..
72. romantic or spontaneous? i have yet to experience romantic..(i experience spontaneous every day ^^)
73. nice stomach or nice arms? oooOOooo....either or both..
74. career or homebody? a job would be nice...
75. hook-up or relationship? m,m,m,m,m...toasty...i have yet to know the difference..
76. jock or sweet sensitive? not a wimp, but not a jerk..
77. trouble maker or hesitant? a balance of both
78. kissed a stranger: O_o umm...ew..no..
80. lost glasses/contacts: Many times...usually i was sitting on them.
82. broken any bones: nope.. *knocks on wood*
84. broken someones heart: Not that i know of....maybe..
86. turned someone down: yes..
87. cried when someone died: *thinks of Noser* *wails up a storm*
88. liked a friend: umm...dont you mean "likes" a friend?
89. yourself: sometimes..
90. miracles: sometimes..
91. love at first sight: not really
93. Santa Clause: Yes. I always thought that Santa 'Clause' had no 'e' in it. ^^;
94. ghosts: umm..yea. I have ghost remnants on my celing
95. kissing on the first date: yep. whatever floats the person's boat. ^^
96. angels: Yes.
97. is there someone you want to be with right now relationship wise? Yes.
98. ever got high: Not that i know of. But im pr-etty sure i've gotten high off the oddest things.
99. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? PSSH! NO!
100. Do you believe in God? Yes.
Animal : Cat
Amusement Park : State Fair?
Article of Clothing : my deutsch shirt!
Bird : dodo..
Board / Card Game : Phase 10, Speed, Clue..
Book : Manga, Warriors..
Boy Name : Sue. *laughs*
Brand Name (clothing): anything that isn’t slup-ish..
Candy: skittles, Starburst...wrappers, chocolate...
Car : El Camino and that one really old car my Uncle built(I think it’s a Model A..or T...im not sure..)
Characteristic: freckles(i know, im wierd) and entrancing blue(or any other color) eyes..
Chip Flavor : bbq
Color : green
Constellation : PRETTY STARS!!
Country: Germany
Day (of the week): erm....Friday? TGIF!!
Dessert : Anything edible that the smell or taste isn’t gag-worthy..
Eye Color : deep blue with a dark blue ring around the iris..
Feeling / Emotion : HAPPY GO-LUCKY CRAZY!
Flower: no perfume please.. ^^
Food : CHEESE!!
Fruit : watermelon, bananas, apples(and I have newly discovered that they make me belch..really loud)
Gem / Jewel : ruby and emerald(GREEEEEEEEEN!)
Girl Name : Dagmar(lol)
Hair Color : the kind that changes color in the sun. ^^
Hobby : drawing, reading, painting, computer..ing, spy-ing, poking people-ing..
Holiday : New Years..
Instrument : Trumpet..
Jewelry : hemp...(heh..marijiwana..)
IM Program : YIM...and the hotmail one..
Magazine : Shonen Jump, Shoujo Beat
Movie : Mulan, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Live Free or Die Hard
Music Type / Genre : all types except rap and country(I tolerate country) FEEL THE BURN!! ROCK ME AMADEUS!! UH UH UH!!
Number : 24
Place: Oregon
Planet : umm...Earth?
Perfume / Cologne : EWW! NO! Not toilet water!
Pet : KITTY!
Phrase / Saying : KITTY!, “Honey will you shine this flashlight on me?”, “Eveyone get off of the lip! Were about to hit an iceberg!”, “this cell can be more pleasurable also”, “Pick a number between 1 and 25. 30!”, “If my dog had your face I’d shave its butt and teach it to walk backwards”, "Hey look, a Kitty! No...wait...thats a stroller", "Since when has Boise been a state?", "MY PIZZA HAS BOOBS!!" and a LOT more....
Restaurant : Is Taco Bell considered a restaurant?
Season: Winter/summer
Shape: ;D
Smell: ;D
Soda / Pop: ROOT BEER!
Song : just to name a few: “Sweet Child o’ Mine”, “Paradise City”, “Beast and the Harlot”, “Papercut”, “Waka Laka”, “Bring Me to Life”, “Haunted”, "Crazy Train" and a whole bunch more..
Sound: farting hands, Daddy’s roadrunner noise..
Sport: ^^
State : OREGON!
Store : Borders
Subject / Class : ART!
Temperature : hot *sizzle*
Time of Day : sometimes 3:00, sometimes 8:00, sometimes 10:00..
Toothpaste: m m m m m...minty fresh...
TV Show / Series: *laughs* anime..
Verse (of the Bible): 8x
Video / Computer Game :Guitar Hero2(even though I’ve only played it a couple times) ^^;
Weapon : my M-83 stashed in me back pocket..
Word : KITTY!
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River Sax-456
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Community Member
1. real name: Mackenzie James Layne
2. Nickname: Mac N' Cheese
3. single or taken: Taken
4. zodiac sign: The fish one
5. male or female: Male
6. elementary: Yoshikia
7. middle: Adam Stephens/crossler
8. high: Sprauge
9. eye color: Blue
10. hair color: Blond ish
11. long or short: What?!....stupid pervy mind
15. are you health freak: kinda
16. height: 5'9
17. do you have a crush on someone: uh I'm in a relationship....so yeah?
18. do you like yourself: eh, sometimes
19. piercings you've had: none
20. tattoos: none
21. righty or lefty: righty
22. first surgery: never had one
23.first piercing: nope
25. first award: no
26. first sport: T-ball
27. first pet: cat, and two dogs
28. first vacation: to the beach
29. first concert: Ozzy OSBOURNE!!!!
30. first crush:girl named Christal, she happend to be my best friends girlfriend...in th grade....
49. eating: nothing
50. drinking: nothing
52. i'm about to: sleep
53. listening to: Black Label society
55. waiting for: .......
58. want kids: yup, two girls, but long way down the road
59. want to get married? someday
60. want a big house? depending how big family gets
68. lips or eyes? eyes
69. hugs or kisses? both
70. shorter or taller? shorter
71. intelligence or attraction? both, but I dont care
72. romantic or spontaneous? dont I do that?
73. nice stomach or nice arms? Idk
74. career or homebody? whatever they want to do
75. hook-up or relationship? relationship...
76. jock or sweet sensitive? sweet sensitive
77. trouble maker or hesitant? I dont care
78. kissed a stranger: no
80. lost glasses/contacts: nope
82. broken any bones: no, I am soo lame
84. broken someones heart: yeah.... hate to say
86. turned someone down: ...... dont think so
87. cried when someone died: no
88. liked a friend: yeah?
89. yourself: yup
90. miracles: yes
91. love at first sight: no
93. Santa Clause: yup
94. ghosts: kinda
95. kissing on the first date: whatever she wants to do
96. angels: yes
97. is there someone you want to be with right now relationship wise? yeah
98. ever got high: off markers in sixth grade
99. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? no
100. Do you believe in God? yes
Animal : cat
Amusement Park : Disneyland
Article of Clothing : pants
Bird : ?
Board / Card Game : Yatzee
Book : Splinter Cell
Boy Name : yeah not going to answer that....
Brand Name (clothing): dont care
Candy: Resses
Car : 1966 Corvete
Characteristic: Idk
Chip Flavor : regular
Color : Black
Constellation :dont care
Country: dont care
Day (of the week): Saturday
Dessert : Ice Cream
Drink : soda
Eye Color : blue, or brown
Feeling / Emotion : happy
Flower: rose
Food : Taco
Fruit : watermelon
Gem / Jewel : saphire
Girl Name : Jessica
Hair Color : brown
Hobby : Video Games
Holiday : Christmas
Instrument : Drum Kit
Jewelry : Like I would know
IM Program : Msn
Magazine : OXM
Movie : Saw(1,2,3)
Music Type / Genre : Metal
Number : 13
Place: my house
Planet : earth
Perfume / Cologne : dont have one
Pet : Lucie
Phrase / Saying : Look Its a Monkey!
Restaurant : Luv Luv
Season: Winter
Shape: ?
Soda / Pop: root bear
Song : just to name a few: 'Under the bridge' , 'Rain is thicker than blood', 'Headstrong'
Sound: guitar
Sport: paintball
State : montana
Store : Best Buy
Subject / Class : Lunch
Temperature : 75
Time of Day : 11:00 Am
Toothpaste: Mint
TV Show / Series: That 70's Show
Verse (of the Bible): I dont realy know any.....sadly....
Video / Computer Game : Guitar hero ( all of them)
Weapon : 50 Cal. machine gun
Word : OZZY!